Chapter 20

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Stand firm against injustice, even if it be against yourself. (Quran 4:135).

He had played around with her sentiments in his own indecisiveness. He had married her wholly aware that he could not commit, he had haphazardly tried to maintain an unstable relationship for almost a year, obliviously letting Falak grow attached to him. It was his decision to befriend, it was his decision to unfriend her. It was his decision on when the divorce would take place, it was his decision regarding whether it would take place at all. Her life had constantly been in his hands from the very beginning. This marriage was nothing more than an emotional burden that increased with every step she took forwards.

She was disheartened and disappointed.

All men were the same.

Adham approached her after lunch, telling her that he wished to speak to her about something important. His eyes wandered over to the maid who immediately left, leaving the couple alone.

For several seconds, the simmering of rice filled the silence between him.

"I think it's best that we start the divorce proceedings," said Adham.

Falak did not meet his eyes. She was too numb with pain to respond to an announcement that had been declared several times before to her.

"What do you think then, Falak?" Adham asked, "I'd rather divorce you after having spoken to your family, than before. Is that okay?"

Falak lowered the gas underneath the rice and turned to him, "Nice of you to ask. The quicker the better I guess," she was desperate to be done with the hurt. It had begun to engulf her. Prolonged moments in the Nayyar Manor caused her unnecessary pain. She must be out of here.

"I started packing," said Falak, after a hiatus.

After seeing Adham's behaviour, she had learnt that instead of being built and crushed again, she may as well prepare herself and be ready for the time in which Adham would confirm his intentions.

"Just need to do the rest, I will do it now," she mumbled.

"Oh," Adham had not expected her to be prepared, since he was aware of her desperation to sustain this marriage.

Shortly after supper, Adham and Falak stood in the foyer of the Nayyar Manor, she, being given the opportunity to give her farewell.

Maryam's eyes welled with tears. She held herself responsible for this situation. She should have known her son was not emotionally capable. Shaking, Maryam held out her arms to embrace Falak, unable to meet her eyes.

Why did mothers thrust their broken sons upon other women, and expect them to fix them under the guise of marriage? When their own upbringing failed, why did they expect women with better virtues to enlighten a damaged soul?

Once he's married he'll mend his ways!

Falak approached her steadily, with a faint smile. She was beyond the phase of tears and tantrums, "You have been good to me all these months. I will never forget the love, respect and care you showered me with. Please, do feel free to call me and speak to me like we used to."

Maryam nodded.

Falak reached forwards to wipe the tears away from her cheeks. She then embraced her again.

Bani was next in line. Her face was firmer and fiercer. She held the belief that Falak would soon return. She had judged Adham's behaviour over the past few days. There was an uncertainty in his eyes.

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