Messing around - Chapter 5

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(It's like always. DO i really need to say something else? nah...)

Bill's POV:
I was walking down the stairs to go in the kitchen because i was hungry. Everyone else was asleep. It's good that the pines family let's me stay here in their house. I wanted to do breakfast and i hoped not to see Shootingstar because she would insist to give me something not healty or something that will make me feel high, but she was there with her mabel juice. "Bill! Come try some mabel juice! It's delicious!" Oh god i didn't dare to say no because she would wake the whole house up. So i had only one choise. I had to drink the mabel juice. "Umm mabel? What did you put in there?" "Oooooh just some... special ingredients~" "This is scaring me." "Oh but bill, i think (y/n) would love the effects of this mabel juice. Come on, try it. It won't kill you." "...give... me... the mabel juice!" "Heh... i knew you would want it." Mabe- Shootingstar said proudly. She gave me the mabel juice and i drank it. "Seriously now. What did you put in there?" "I put, coffee,plastic dinosaurs figures,... drugsand orange juice." "Wait, did you say drugs?" "Yes." She did her shipping face. Oh no no no. Drugs are bad. (Don't do drugs kids!) "Mabel, you can't just give me drugs!" "Oh yes i can, this was my plan to get you and (y/n) toghether as a couple." "But we're already toghether!" "Let's go, we don't want to be too late for the lunch with (y/n) and the others!" "What drugs did you give me?" "Special drugs. They only work on you when (y/n) is very near to you and i put smile dip in it. Special drug and smile dip." 'oh god... no no no im not going near (y/n)' "How long will it take that it's over?" "A day."

~(Time skip brought to you from bipper singing disco girl)~

Shootingstar was taking me to (y/n)s house. I was very nervous. "Mabel, why did you do that?" "Oh just because i wanted to get revenge on you." "Wait, why?!??""Well you did start the world apocalypse..." "Sorry..." "At least you're going to have some fun! Or i'll have fun watching..." "Oh god mabel, why did you have to punish me like this?" "Oh that's because i head you say that you like (y/n)." "You like doing everything extreme, don't you?" "YEP! And i had smile dip." "How many packs?" "34 packs." "Im going home. FAR away from (y/n), not doing this, nope. F*ck this sh*t im out!" "Aww come on!" "No!" "Fineeee. But my ship is going to be real. Remember that dorito man!" "Yep that's mabel." I walked away and went to my mansion (in the 4th dimention) in the mindscape. I hope that mabel won't do something stupid.

Mabel's POV:
My plan to get Bill and (y/n) toghether failed. But they are already toghether. So i guess that i shouldn't have got smile dip. It was a dumb idea. I arrived to (y/n)s house and as i ringed the bell someone was running faster than light. I realized that it was (y/n). "Wow, slown down (y/n)!" "Yeah sorry, i was just excited for you and b- where's bill?" "Oh he? He ran away because i made him drink my super cool mabel juice, and i put ... weird stuff in it." "What weird stuff? Mabel..." She sniffed me and said. "Mabel, you gave bill drugs??? And smile dip?" "Y-yes... im sorry (y/n)! But... i had to get revenge on him..." "Just because he apparently cause the apocalipse called weirdmageddon?" "How do you know about it?" "Bill told me?" "Oh... well, my ship won't sink then, i don't care... I SHIP IT!" "Mabel! Shhhh Frisk's sleeping!" "Oh sorry..." "So, come in pease, make yourself home." (y/n) said that in a very sweet voice. I can imagine now how bill fell in love with her.

~( Timeskip brought to you from alphys watching mew mew kissy cutie 3)~

"So, (y/n), did you think that bill was evil when you first met him?" "Well, yeah, he possed dunkle sans, so... i did think that he was evil at first." "Wait, did you say dunkle? as in, dad and uncle??" "Yeah, why?" "We use grunkle for great uncle!" "Aahahahaha, that's a funny coincidence." Frisk came down with monster kid. *(y/n), im going with monster kid to king dads house! See you later, i'll be back at 18:30 "Um frisk, just...err be safe!" *Yeah! "So, (y/n), What do you want to do?" "Oh, i tought about something like... searching for mysteries or knowing more about bill, you did say that he was evil..." "Oh, he wanted to rule the world and make every human to his slave, and everyone in gravity falls that weren't, gildeon and his guys, me, dipper, grunkle stan, wendy, some creatures from the wild, pacifica, robbie, old man mcGucket and soos were turned to stone and were brought to bills palace to make a biig throne. But we saved everyone and we tought that bill died. But We found him and asked him for help and when we said your name then he somehow lit up in happiness, he was willingly to help us just by hearing your name, i don't really know why... but i think that it was a good thing, maybe he really did change, just with you around." "O-oh... So all that happend?" "Oh and bill tricked me and so i kind of helped him to cause weirdmageddon but it was actually dipper and grunkle fords fault because ford asked dipstick, if he wanted to stay here in gravity falls, but i would be all alone then, i ran away and saw blendin blandin that was actually possesed by bill, and then he put in a beutifull world that was a bubble, and grunkle stan offered hisself for all of us, he actualy saved us all, and we're gratefull ( not gleefull) for this, his memory came back and i guess bill did too." "Geeze mabel, i guess that bill made so much chaos... is everything ok now?" "Yeah!" "Glad to hear that. But, do you know why bill is that nice now? It's very weird that somebody changes that fast." "Oh... sorry (y/n), but i don't know."
???s POV:
"So, bill is nice now? Well now it's my time to be the villain, but my plan needs time... I'll guess that i'll see you soon... (y/n) (l/n), it'll be nice to see you again."

WOOOOOooooooo i still didn't finish my exams, but im almost, just almost finished! Im sorry that this comes soooo late, but i mean, i don't know what to do ;-; i need the friggin picture i drew, but i don't find it in the internettttt god damn it! But, the next chapter will be different, it's on a little idea i had, but ... OH COME ON. I drew a picture of that too, and guess what? i still need to wait.... well have a good day - author chan

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