True Memories Don't Disappear - Chapter 6

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(Bill + Will = italics)

(y/n)s lost memories were being visited by bill once again. (He visits them more than once because he misses the old times)
When we 3 were 5

"Hi! Im Bill and That's my brother Will! What's your name?" "Oh.. my name is (y/n), nice to meet you! Want to play with me?" "Sure!" "S-sure.."

(y/n)s 6th birthday

"Happy birthday (y/n)!" "H-happy birthday (y-y/n) , bill a-and i've got you a present..." "Aww thanks, will! Thank you bill!" (y/n) hugged bill and will. They got her a yellow triangle shaped necklace and a blue traingle shaped bracelet. 

Her first day after school

"I hate it! I don't ever want to go there again!"(y/n) was crying "(y/n), everything will be ok, once you'll finish school, then you're free! Just hold on, ok? And it was just your first day..."  "(y-y/n), if y-you need u-us, we're always t-there for you." they both tried to comfort (y/n)

Finding her first friends

"Hi! Im (F/N) (friends name), i saw that you're always a bit lonely, wanna be friends?" "S-sure... im (y/n)..." "Are you a shy person?" "No, im not shy." 

She changed, more confident, she was getting angry when we didn't agree on her choises, our friendship wasn't going to last much longer, and we knew it. We knew, that she changed, but she didn't know it.
One day, me and my brother will, went to (y/n)s school, nobody could see us if we wanted to be invisible, not even (y/n), and we saw something terrifying, (y/n) was getting beaten up by some boys and some girls, she then went to the bathroom, and we didn't go in, but when she came out, she was worse than when she went in, she had bruises and she was bleeding, her hair was cut and messy, she was crying and her clothes were messy and ripped, we went home, we couldn't stand what they did to her, and when she came home...
"Hey (y/n-" "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" "(y-y/n)? What h-ha-happend to y-you?" "I-I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" 
She was angry and sad, i could her it in her voice, she was crying, the day after that...
"(y/n)? Breakfast is rea...dy?" I opened the door to her room, but she wasn't there. I called the police and told them that she went missing, we searched the whole town for her, but we didn't find her, Will and i searched the whole country, just to fail. 

A few weeks passed and i saw (y/n), she was walking in the street, i ran to her and hugged her, but...

"Umm excuse me mister, but... do i know you?" "(y/n)? You're kidding, right? It's me, bill! You're best friend?" I let go of the hug. "Im sorry, but i don't know anyone named bill, now if you excuse me, i have to go home." 

I stood there, just watching her go away, to her home, but her home was with us, me, will, her mom and her dad. How could she forget us? 

I went home and told will about this, he said that she maybe got injured and got amnesia, but i was crying, my best friend didn't remember me... 'It's all those kids fault! If it wasn't for them, then (y/n), me and will would be friends!' "Bill, you're not planning to do something messed up, right? I know you, and your look and the face tells me something that is bad for the world." "Well, my dear beloved brother, im going to get revenge on a few kids, just. Because. They. Hurt. (y/n)." "Brother, that sounded weird, please-" "NO! Im going to help her and you won't stop me! Even if i won't be human anymore, i WILL help her! And i know exactly what to do..." "Bill, stop it, snap out of it, it's not you-" "Will, you can't stop me, i will get out (y/n) back, she needs to be our friend! We knew her since we were born! We did everything toghether and im not going to let go of this friendship!" "So, bill, what is you're plan?" "Oh, if you ask... im going to turn myself into a dream demon, then i'll go into (y/n)s mind and i'll get her memories back!" "Bill, you're crazy! Once you'll turn into a dream demon... you already know what would happen to you, but you don't care, don't you?" "Nope, i only care for (y/n), not my humanity." "You know what bill? Do it, if you really want to mess you're existence up, then do it, but don't come to me once you'll realize that it was a bad idea!"

After i turned myself into Bill Cipher, A dream demon, i went into (y/n)s mind and gave her, her memories back, after that, i went out and searched for my brother, but i saw something that i didn't believe.
"Will? Where are you brother?" "Oh, hi Bill, it's reaaaaallllyyy nice to see you." "Will, is something wrong?" "Oh, you ask if somethings wrong? Take a look on me brother, just because we're twins i got  turned to a dream demon with you. Now, did you at least get (y/n)s memories back?" "Yes, i did, and im sorry will, i didn't mean to do this to you..." "It's fine, look, i can turn myself into a human." He turned himself into his past self. "Does this man i can do that too?" "Yes, you only need to focus on the form that you want to have and then you snap your fingers." "So... are you angry at me will?" "No Bill, im not angry at you, i know that you did this because you just couldn't stand that (y/n) forgot us, or should i say you? Well brother, it's obvious that you have a crush on (y/n)." "Will... if you ever tell her... you're dead." "But Bill, we're immortal." "Oh."

A few years pass and (y/n) is now 18

"Mom, i feel like i forgot something, do you remember?" "No sweety!" Her mom yelled from the living room. I didn't do a good job, she lost her memories about me and will again, now will left too, and (y/n) forgot me once again. I was alone now. No friends. No family. Nowhere to go. (y/n) was packing her stuff, because she was going to move away from gravity falls, but as they were driving away... they had a car accident and (y/n) was the only one that was still alive, she ran away. So i decided to forget about her, because i believed that she was dead. I felt myself being broken, so i haunted humans, just for fun.

The day that Bill and (y/n) met again.

"Bill! We need your help, our friend (y/n) needs to have the best birthday ever! Can you posses sans for a little while and distract (y/n) while we're planning her birthday party on the beach?" "Her... last name please..." "Bill? Are you ok?" " tell me her last name please...? (y/n)...?"
"(y/n) (l/n), she's going to be 21." "It's her! I'll help you." "Bill, this isn't like you?" Shootingstar said that in a confused tone. "Well i only remember her name... and maybe how old she is, but nothing more..." "Wait, you already know her?" "I...think so, well her name sounds familiar."

Today, at the beach. It's Sunset. 

"(y/n)?" "Yes bill?" "What if i told you... that what you told me was a lie? That what you said, didn't happen? That you were never in the orphanage?" "I wouldn't know anymore, that's what i always believed." "Well, since i've met you... i started to remember... i remembered the times we were always toghether, the good times and the bad ones, and... i remembered that i was once human, but i lost it, because i wanted you to remember me, you had two accidents, and in both... you lost your memories, i lost my humanity because i didn't want to lose you, but now... im not going to let go, i don't want to hold it back anymore, (y/n), i love you and i always will, i understand if you don-" I felt a pair of warm and soft lips on mine and a pair of arm around my neck. (y/n) was kissing me. I put my left hand around her waist and my right one on her cheek. Nobody else was there, just me and (y/n), kissing, we started to make out. I pushed away because i tought that she didn't want this, but she looked at me with the saddest face. "Why did you stop? I-it felt so good and r-right..." "Because i tought that you didn't want this..." "I... i do want this..." "Then, shall i continue?" "Oh bill," she giggled, "yes continue." I took her waist and put her on me, then we started making out again, it was a great feeling, and i've falleng for (y/n) and she's fallen for me. I stopped for a little bit and asked (y/n)..."(y/n) (l/n), would you, be my girlfriend?" "Yes! I would love to..." She gently kissed me and then fell asleep on my chest. 

me: We're getting romantic here, huh?
bill: are you trying to mess with me?

me: mayyybeeee?
(y/n): so... author... could you... idk maybe go away... me and bill want to have a bit of fun...
me: what kind of fun? You are too young for that kind...'re 21... geeze fine, im not your mom anyways... *walks away while crying*
(y/n): mom!- 
bill: ...maybe you should go to her, you matter to her, for her, you're her child.
(y/n): thank you bill...

o - o 
hello, this chapter was idk the idea of reader chan as a child... it was fun drawing the whole thing, but i can't upload it... sorreh! 

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