Chapter 9: The Unexplainable Return

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Kris woke up with a sudden jolt, and saw that she was in the Hospital Wing. She was covered in a white cloth, she doesn't know why. She looked down at her pale arm, which was slowly gaining it's lively color. She began to shake as she sat on the edge, pulling off the white cloth covering her body. Her skin was solid, but as she kept poking at it, it got its tender feeling once again. She doesn't know exactly what happened, but she has an idea.

"Her body is right over her Al- OH MY GOODNESS!" McGonagall almost fainted at the sight of Kris jumping off the bed.

"Something wrong Professor?" Kris asked as she stretched out her stiff limbs.

"Albus what does this mean?" McGonagall harshly asked Dumbledore.

"Kristina, would you do us the favor of going to the common room? Minerva- Professor McGonagall and I must discuss a situation."

Kris began to walk, she felt like she hasn't walked for ages. She took little step by little step, out the wing. She arrived at the common room in about ten minutes, and said the password. She is surprised it hasn't changed, because she feels like it's been a year since she's roamed these halls. The portrait door slowly opened, and chatter among the other Griffindors was then ceased. Everyone's eyes fell on her, and mouths dropped.

"No," Harry gasped as he saw her walk into the common room, "I must be dreaming."

Lynn smiled at the sight of her sister, alive. She ran right over to Kris and flung her arms around her.

"How?" Lynn exclaimed as she wiped her tears, still clinging to her sister.

"How what?" She asked as Lynn let go and wiped her eyes.

"You don't- you don't know?" Lynn gasped.

"I swear, what do you all mean?" Kris asked as she shook her hands at the nerve racking images popping in her head.

"You were dead," Kyle explained. "We all discovered you in the Quidditch field. Do you know how you even got there?"

"No- I don't know," Kris sighed. "Wait, I died?"

"You had no pulse, you were ice cold, you were pale, all the signs of a dead person," Hermione remarked.

"Why is everyone-? KRIS!" Ginny squealed as she ran into Kris's arms. "You're alive! You're alive!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kris asked as Ginny let go.

"Ron! She's alive!" Ginny shouted happily as Ron entered the room.

"Oh," Ron fainted again.

"Heart of a lion," Kris sarcastically complimented. "Where's Harry?" Kris asked as she looked around for him.

"Right here," Harry walked up to her.

"Hi," Kris bit slightly on her tongue, it feels like a new start.

"Is it really you?"

"Who else?"

Harry put a hand on her shoulder, "welcome back then?"

"Yeah," Kris but her lip.

She turned around and walked up the staircase to the girl dormitory. She laid flat on her back, once she jumped onto her four poster bed. She closed her eyes tightly, wanting Sunday to end as quick as possible.

"Kris," a female put a hand on Kris's forehead, "wake up!"

Kris opened her eyes, and she again saw her mother, Narcissa.

"Hello sweet-"

"Don't even start," Kris darkly snapped.

"Don't speak to me that way! Watch your tone! Attitude!"

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