Part 1 ~ A Mysterious Encounter

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Two years ago today, I was in tears, wishing my best friend goodbye at the airport. I was heartbroken, but she was pursuing her dream in music, and I had to be strong enough to let her go and support her. I didn't know when I would see her again, or if I ever would. All I knew was that I was happy for her.

But now all that has changed, and I finally get to see her again, after TWO WHOLE YEARS.
You can tell when someone is meeting their best friend when they run out of an airport screaming, jumping and flailing their arms like an overly-excited seal. I practically jumped on her as soon as I caught sight of her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Tiffanyyyyyyyy" I squealed, tears pouring out of my eyes as I hopped from side to side, not letting go of the hug.

"Heya big sloth" she mumbled into my shoulder. I got that nickname when we were still in high school, because I had fallen asleep twice during two different exams. In my defence, I had stayed up watching k-dramas both those nights. Not the best of decisions, I must admit.

She broke away from the hug to stare at me.
"Look at you all grown up. I can't even call you short anymore!" she said, giggling.

"I was never short," I rolled my eyes and snorted. "I sized!" I retorted. So corny.

I took a deep breath. So many good things had happened. I had met my best friend again after two years. I had arrived in the city of my dreams, Seoul. And I was here because I had found a job as an English teacher in an international Academy. Here. In Seoul! The feeling was surreal. Tiffany was beaming at me, a huge smile plastered across her face. She gave me another brief hug before guiding me towards the parking lot. I gasped when I saw her car.

"What? A Porche, Tiff, really?! I knew your album sales were doing great, but I didn't know they were doing THAT great!" I was ogling every inch of that beauty.

"Thanks, it's actually brand new" she laughed.

The drive to her apartment was pure bliss, for one reason: I got to take a nap. I know I should have been enjoying the gorgeous scenery, but that plane ride had really messed with me. I awoke to the sound of a camera clicking away. Tiffany was hovering above my face, taking pictures of what was probably me drooling. After all, what are best friends for?

"Staaaahp" I mumbled, still half asleep. She giggled.

"You're drooling in my new car, sloth. Come on, we've reached already."

Tiffany's apartment was amazing. She had insisted that I stay with her instead of in a hotel, and boy I must say I didn't mind one bit. From granite counter tops to humongous chandeliers, Tiffany's apartment was the epitome of beauty. I didn't get a lot of time to admire it though, because after a few minutes of our arrival, I was being dragged out again.

"We're going shopping." Tiffany announced.

"For what?" I asked, confused. I was too tired and grumpy for that.

"It's Friday. You have your first day at work on Monday. And nobody knows that your wardrobe needs help better than I do," she replied with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"But I'm fine, honest-" of course she didn't wait for me to complete my sentence, and before I knew it I was cruising in her Porche again. I made a mental note to take only what I could afford and pretend I didn't like anything else, otherwise Tiffany would end up buying them for me.

We arrived at what was apparently the world's largest underground shopping mall, it even included an aquarium.

"This is my faaaavourite mall!" Tiffany exclaimed as we were getting out of the car. "And I'm taking you to my faaaavourite store! There's a crazy ahjumma who knows me quite well. I always buy underwear from her," she continued.

(Completed) My Best Friend's CEO [Min Yoongi x Reader] M.YG Where stories live. Discover now