Part 12 ~ Who is the traitor?

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"Sooyoung, what are you doing?" It was Yoongi. Sooyoung shifted her gaze towards Yoongi and stared at him with a languid expression. Then she smiled.

"Hello there, Yoongi. How are you this fine evening? Lovely weather, isn't it?" She asked, sardonic.

"Sooyoung...put the gun down..." Yoongi said warily. He was holding a large black bag, which he dropped in shock after seeing Sooyoung with a firearm. I sighed, seeing everyone with black bags gave me shivers; who knew what would come out of it.

"So you've got the money you owe Hoseok, huh? Well hurry up, hand it over," Sooyoung said, reaching out with her free hand and completely ignoring Yoongi's request. Yoongi dropped the bag on the floor and kicked it towards Sooyoung, who caught it with her leg and then dragged it to a corner, one hand still pointing the gun at me. While she unzipped the bag and examined it's contents, Yoongi was focused on Hoseok, his expression incredulous as pieces of the puzzle slowly began falling together and he realised that Sooyoung had betrayed him.

" need to listen to me. I've paid you back ages ago," Yoongi tried explaining. He spoke softly, still in complete shock at the situation that was unfolding before his eyes. He managed to lock eyes with me and I nodded slightly, to show him that I was okay. Then he looked over to Tiffany to see if she was okay, but Tiffany had passed out on the chair. He looked over to Namjoon who was standing there helplessly, at the mercy of Sooyoung and her weapon.

Hoseok walked over to Yoongi and Namjoon, smiling as he approached them.

"You've paid me? Oh sure. I wonder where the money magically disappeared." He rolled his eyes. Yoongi opened his mouth to explain but Hoseok cut him off. "As for you Namjoon," he said, eyeing him quizzically.

"I don't know why you're here, but I'm glad. Now you can both witness why you shouldn't have pushed me around all these years," Hoseok finished.

"Hoseok, let the girls go. We can sort this out between ourselves. Please," Namjoon pleaded, looking desperate. Hoseok smirked.

"Seems like you too have feelings for one of these ladies, huh? Is it the sleeping beauty over there?" Hoseok asked, walking over to Tiffany. Namjoon's eyes widened but he didn't say anything. Hoseok chuckled at his expression, then shook his head.

"So it is Tiffany. Sooyoung did tell me you two had dated, I didn't know you still had feelings for her. Well too bad. Now Yoongi. What should I do with your girl?" Hoseok droned, flashing another smile. Yoongi's shoulders visibly tensed, and I could see he was trying his best to keep his temper in check.

"Cut the crap, this is between us. Let the girls go with Namjoon and you can settle this with me," Yoongi said through gritted teeth. Hoseok looked thoughtful for a moment, then came to a decision.

"I don't see the point of holding the sleeping beauty hostage anymore, so Namjoon, go ahead and get her out." He commanded, and Namjoon didn't need to be told twice. He was gone in a flash, Tiffany in his arms.

"Min Yoongi. Tell me why you thought it was okay to ignore me all these years when I asked when you would pay me. Your vague replies and uncaring nature is what has led us to this. You're a thief; stealing money from someone who was a brother. THEN YOU HID BEHIND YOUR SECURITY LIKE A COWARD!" Hoseok roared, his cheeks turning crimson. Yoongi stood completely still, unaffected by Hoseok's outburst. Then he nodded his head towards Sooyoung.

"Why don't you ask her, Hoseok?" Yoongi said simply. Hoseok frowned, then delivered a powerful punch to Yoongi's jaw. Yoongi stumbled back a little, wiping away a trickle of blood from his mouth. Then he spoke again.

"Hoseok. Ask Sooyoung what she did with the money I gave her to give to you five years ago, when she signed with me. Ask her." Yoongi urged. Hoseok went quiet for a moment, then looked over at Sooyoung, who was watching the conversation unfold with an amused expression. Then she chuckled lightly and strolled over to Hoseok. What she did next startled all three of us; she aimed the gun at Hoseok. Hoseok stepped back in horror.

"Well. You two, as well as Namjoon, were the easiest men on earth to play with all these years," she smiled, pleased with herself.

"You're a snake, Sooyoung," Yoongi cursed, eyeing Sooyoung with hatred. She only smiled in response.

"Well it worked out for the best, didn't it? I've got the last load of money that I'll need to start my own agency, and then I won't need to sit around and wait for assholes like you to keep delaying my debut. Isn't that right?" Her smile was becoming increasingly unpleasant.


I didn't know what to think anymore; I couldn't understand who the real traitor was. Nothing made sense.

Five years ago, Namjoon, Yoongi and I had set up our own entertainment company. We were going to debut Sooyoung as our first artist, after she had received a bit of training, of course. She wasn't ready. Two months into it, and Sooyoung had told me that both Namjoon and Yoongi were conspiring to sabotage the shares in their favour so that one of them would become majority shareholder and then somehow kick me out. This made all three of us quarrel, and at the end of the day we decided to split up and open our own agencies. Yoongi didn't have all the funds though, and despite our arguments, I decided to lend him the money.

Sooyoung was with my agency for no longer than four months, when she had decided to find another company that would debut her faster. She left on good terms though; she told me that she would sign with Yoongi and keep me updated on her progress. It was then that I told her to ask Yoongi about the money he owed me, since Yoongi and I had stopped speaking. She returned saying that Yoongi had no idea what I was talking about.

I now regret ever trusting her over two people that I considered brothers. It was a mistake telling her about the money, it was a mistake making her pass messages between Yoongi and I, and it was a mistake to use her as a spy to intercept security at MYG to get back at Yoongi.

Everything was just one big mistake.


Author's Note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.5k reads!!!!!
You guys make my day everyday ❤

PS: I've started a new book, please check it out. It's called the magnate and the pauper, and it's a Taehyung fanfic ❤

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