Part 20 ~ Hoseok Returns

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Yoongi's house was extraordinary. I don't know how else to describe it; all I can say is that Namjoon and Yoongi seemed to have similar taste when it came to internal décor and entertainment, right down to the indoor basketball court. The only thing that Yoongi was missing was the arcade room, but in place of that he had his own movie theatre. I shook my head as I marvelled at how well they spent their money.

"What are we doing here?" I asked absent-mindedly, as I fiddled with all the gadgets around the house like a five-year-old. Yoongi only smirked, making me cock my head to the side. I suddenly felt nervous.

"Seriously, why did we come here?" I asked, feeling my stomach winding into anxious knots. Yoongi was twisting an apple around in his hand, avoiding eye-contact with me. Then he took a bite of the apple and casually walked away.

"Hey y/n, my bedroom is upstairs, do you want to check it out?" he called, and my eyes shot open in shock. My hands fell limply to my sides as I watched him smirk at me from the balcony on the second floor. Then I took a few hesitant steps forward.

"Uhm, why would I do that? I'm fine checking out the kitchen, you have a really nice fridge," I commented, trying my best not to stutter. I then proceeded to open the fridge and fumble with its contents, hiding my creeping blush behind the door. I didn't know what I was searching for in the fridge, but I kept tossing things around until I came across a sandwich. I pulled it out and was about to yell for Yoongi to come eat it with me when I found him standing right behind me, and I jumped in shock.

"Ah, so you prefer the kitchen? Well, I guess the counter is okay, not as soft as the bed but it could work," he was wearing the widest smirk I had ever seen on him, and my face was now on fire. I was left speechless as he pinned me to the fridge, both arms on either side of me. Then he licked his lips and shot me a wide smile.

"What's wrong, y/n?" he whispered as I tried wriggling out of his grip, but he only responded by blocking me on both sides.

"N-nothing, nothing at all!" I stammered, suddenly breathless. I managed to duck under his arm in an attempt at escaping, but he had caught me around my waist from behind. I could hear him chuckling in a low voice as he spun me around to face him, his one hand wrapped around my waist, the other one cupping my cheek.

"Why are you running away?" he was laughing now, and I had no idea where to look. All I could feel was a thousand butterflies not just fluttering around, but breeding as well in my tummy. My face was burning red-hot at this stage, and I couldn't even think clearly. Yoongi pulled me closer until there was no space between our bodies, and I stared into his beautiful eyes, just as mesmerised by them as I was the first time we had met. He shifted a lock of hair away from my eyes and then placed a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. I don't know how long we stood there for, but I didn't want it to stop, so I was surprised when he pulled away eventually, breathless. All I could do was give him a cheesy smile, feeling silly for trying to run away.

"Y/N," he breathed, stroking my cheek with his index finger. "You don't have to be scared of me, okay? I told you I'd protect you, I would never do something you didn't want me to, okay?" he assured me, and I nodded shyly. He placed his hand in mine and then led me to his movie theatre, where we settled down into the large seats, Yoongi snuggling as close to me as possible.

"So, what movie would you like to see?"


My eyes fluttered open and I blinked fast, trying to adjust to the brightness from the streams of sunlight shooting through the curtains. I took in my surroundings and it slowly dawned on me that I was in a hospital room. A dull pain was shooting through my abdomen area, and I tried sitting up to examine the cause but realised instantly that that was a bad idea, as the pain seared through my upper body. Then I remembered the incidents leading to that pain, and I sank further back into the bed, grateful that I was at least alive. I smiled as I remembered how Namjoon and Yoongi had both taken care of me before I passed out. Once your brother, always your brother.

Almost on cue, a bubbly nurse bounced into the room, happily informing me that someone was here to pick me up, and that I could go home if I wished to. She then provided me with several prescriptions for pain medication which the doctor had left for me, and then helped me out of the bed. I saw a familiar figure walk into the room just as I finished getting my clothes on, and I smiled.

"Namjoon," I said, grateful for his presence. He nodded in acknowledgement, a small smile on his lips.

"Well, hurry up then. I've got my boys waiting for me outside," he muttered, and I could only snicker in response before I embraced him in a tight man hug.

"Thanks for coming, man," I said, patting him on the back. There was gratitude etched on every feature of my face as I stood there with tear-filled eyes.

"Hey, I-" I was about to start explaining myself and apologising, but Namjoon stopped me.

"Stop. There's no need for all that now. Come on now I really want you to meet my boys," Namjoon said, leading me outside, "I'd love for you to meet my girl too but I've already dropped her-"

"You have a girl?" I asked in wonder, slightly amazed that he had finally found someone after so long.

"Well, not yet, or at least she doesn't know it yet, but-"

"It's Tiffany, isn't it?" I interrupted before he could continue rambling, and he chuckled slightly.

"I never really did get over her, you know," Namjoon sighed. We were at his car now, and his three boys stood waiting anxiously at the front door. They bowed when they saw me, shifting around nervously as they waited for me to speak.

"Wow, look at them all grown up! Wasn't it just yesterday that they were still little kids? They look ready to debut!" I was marvelling at how good-looking they all were, and Namjoon just stood there looking proudly at them.

"They're actually preparing for their debut right now," Namjoon announced, grinning at me. "Oh, and about their debut. I have some things to fill you in on. We've got your back, man. Sooyoung is going to regret everything she's done to us," Namjoon finished, leaving me completely confused.

What even happened to Sooyoung after that night?


Author's Note: Hehe I'm sorry for being such a tease! I'm tying up loose ends before we get to Sooyoung ;)

This chapter was long overdue, I really am sorry! School has been keeping me really busy 😭😭

PS: Please don't unfollow me! I'm trying my best to update regularly ❤❤❤❤

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