Part 23 ~ Finale

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Yoongi and I had been fussing with the tablet through which we were receiving a live feed from Jin's recording for over five minutes before I decided it was time we sneaked backstage to the control room.

"Walk faster, why are you so slow?!" I urged, beckoning for him to hurry up. Once we were outside the room, Yoongi cleared his throat in preparation for the much deeper, throaty voice that would emanate from his mouth.

"Uh, Producer Kim? You are wanted urgently in the staffroom, Producer Kim," Yoongi announced, then hid behind a nearby wall while I pretended to be part of the staff, walking around casually, as Mr Kim escaped the room, a look of panic etched upon his face. Then Yoongi and I stealthily crawled into the room, going unnoticed by the row of control operators staring at their screens earnestly, not daring to move their heads to the side for even a second. This made sneaking in all the more easy, until finally we were underneath the desk where several rows of cables, connecting all the monitors and their screens, were arranged neatly using cable ties. Yoongi handed me the tablet while he searched among the cables, while I sat patiently watching. Then I saw a wide smirk cross his face as he grabbed the tablet from me and neatly plugged in one of the cables to the tablet.

Instantly, Jin and Sooyoung flashed onto the screen of the stage of M Countdown, just as The Musketeers were wrapping up their performance and the MC's were making their way on to the stage.

"You mean you've been training for a long time, don't you?" Jin asked Sooyoung as he pushed her body back from his, to reveal her mascara-streamed face, which bore a strong resemblance to a wet raccoon.

The control operators were thrown into a panic at the sudden appearance of the feed, and immediately began bustling about, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Switch to camera two! Now!" A female voice cried out, while the sound of someone jabbing their keyboard filled the air.

"It's not working!" A male voice whimpered, "Where's Producer Kim?!"

"I can't even switch to a commercial!" a third voice complained, while Yoongi and I covered our mouths to prevent our suppressed laughter from betraying us. In the meantime, we carried on watching Jin and Sooyoung's conversation, as well as the screens in the operating room which were showing the audience that by now had turned silent, watching the screen before them with profound interest.

"Jin, can I tell you a secret? You're my friend, and you'll understand, right?" Sooyoung whispered, wearing a pained expression.

"Oh yes, yes. Definitely. You can tell me anything. Tell me everything!" Jin rambled out, resulting in a startled expression from Sooyoung. I snorted at Jin's eagerness to get Sooyoung's confession, earning a glare from Yoongi. I quickly pursed my lips together and smiled apologetically, to which Yoongi responded by flashing me a gummy smile. Then I looked at the other monitors; the audience was now paying attention in great detail, while the MC's left the stage to find out what was happening.

"Jin...the money I used to start my company. It – it wasn't mine. I..."

"You what? What do you mean it wasn't yours? So it's your father's? Of course, a father should help –"

"No. No it wasn't mine at all. Not even given to me. I stole it, Jin, I stole it," Sooyoung sobbed, breaking into tears again. Jin gasped in exaggerated shock, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. This time the audience had gasped, and had begun whispering amongst themselves. People who had held up signs of support for Sooyoung had lowered them hesitantly, confused at what was happening. Just then, the producer had found his way back to the control room, breathless.

(Completed) My Best Friend's CEO [Min Yoongi x Reader] M.YG Where stories live. Discover now