7 minutes in heaven

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Warnings: consent violations
POV: Alex

"Ok" Lafayette clapped his hand an evil grin appearing on his face "let's play a game"

By this point we were all very drunk. Burr had dragged me to a party that I really didn't want to go to. I didn't know anyone here except for Burr and I only knew Lafayette's name because he introduced himself about 5 times in the past 20 minutes.

He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, ripping the paper up into lots of little pieces. He then gave me the pen and demanded that write my name on a torn bit before passing the pen along.

He walked back to the centre of the room and playfully took off a really buff looking guys beanie; who whined in protest but let the Frenchman have it.

Laf snatched the paper with my name on it from my hand and put it in the hat walking round and doing the same thing to everyone.

Finally someone asked what I the hell we were doing and the smirk on Lafayette's face returned.
"7 minutes in heaven bitches" he cackled

I sat bolt upright, suddenly very worried about what I'd just put myself down for.

My mind started racing. What if I got a guy, what would we do. I'm not gay What if the person wanted to do something I wasn't comfortable with, I mean I'm trapped in there with them for 7 whole minutes alone close together in the dark. What if I did get a guy and it turned out I liked it. What if I got Aaron?

What if I got John? My breath hitched at that thought. I had only met the man who went by John Lauren's that day but I knew instantly that we had a connection. If I was going to be gay for any man it would be him. With his wiary curls, smooth olive skin, face plastered with freckles and his smile. A wide and happy smile that felt so warm and genuine, when John smiled his whole body smiled too.

Speaking of John's body, damn the dude was ripped, he was wearing a baggy t-shit and I could still see his muscles!

Thankfully I wasn't first to go. I'd never realised how awkward those seven minutes were when you weren't in that closet. When Maria and Eliza were up you could vaguely hear the moaning, making Eliza's sisters laugh hysterically.

Eventually it came to my turn and the beanie was held in front of me. I awkwardly shuffled the paper around and picked one out, praying that I didn't get anyone I wouldn't feel comfortable with. Finally I decided to grab onto one picking it out, taking in a deep breath and looking down at it.

"Thomas" I called out a twang of disappoint in it. I had met Thomas that night just after John. He seemed nice enough, all be it a bit over baring. Apparently the only reason he was there was because he was Lafayette's brother, which was totally obvious considering the only difference between them was their hair. He seemed like the type of dude that would be totally fine with me not wanting to do a thing.

He jumped up and grabbed my arm dragging me into the closet at almost full speed. I could hear whooping and cheering from behind me, and I didn't dare look back incase they saw how red my face was.

Once we were in the closet I hear Laf yelling that time had started.

I turned to Thomas trying my best to look at him properly, which was tough considering I was only 5'6.

"Look" I put my hand up, backing away a bit. "I'm super straight and I know this is probably disappointing to you, but unfortunately you are not going to have any-" I was cut off by Thomas' lips brutally being smashed into mine.

I leaped back with a yelp, desperately trying to shove him away from me.

"Woah I just told you I didn't want this" I yelled
"Oh please no one can resist me, I could turn anyone bi"
"Not me bud sorry"
"Oh come on, we're in such an enclosed space and it's dark, you don't even want one kiss" Thomas moved a step closer

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