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Warnings: Well obviously there is Homophobia and Homophobic language
POV: Alex

As I walked the halls I was joined by Laf and Peggy. They had been my best friends since middle school and the first people I told I was gay. As luck would have it Laf was also gay and Peggy was Ace. This was really comforting because I knew that they would accept me, especially if they were queer themselves.

Our school was also really accepting they even had a LGBT club for everyone who needed support. I was the first person to join and it was really lonely being there by myself but slowly it built and now we have to really squeeze into the room.

We were on the way to that group at that moment. We were planning what to do for pride month which was currently a hot topic for the club. It was also tough to decide wether we should keep the pride low-key with just a few rainbow flags around the school or have a full of celebration with a parade and fireworks.

I wanted the latter but I understood that some of the closeted people didn't want anything huge. Especially since a new anti-LGBT group had formed and we all knew they were going to protest at any big parade.

As we sat down in the club. I sat just with my friends and ate my burrito as I listened to everyone debating what to do. I wasn't really thinking about what to do for pride because I was too busy thinking about how to protect the others from the inevitable protest.

Finally, as I found out much later we decided on giving out rainbow flags. And making rainbow cupcakes to sell in a bake sale. It was a happy medium.

So with the week of pride the school set up slowly approaching everyone seemed to be more tense. The people that knew who went to the club, were staring at us differently. My worst moment was when my mortal and immortal enemy John Laurens said that if I took part in the 'fag parade' that he would ruin my days at school. Which freaked me out but I did me best to ignore him and the rest of his hate group.

We used to be friends in middle school, but when I came out he said that I was going to hell and left me. John has hated me since but I somehow managed to have a crush on him, the biggest homophobe in the school and I was head over heels. I will fully admit it was superficial, it was his gorgeous brown curls, and the freckles that I knew were in every place on his body. It was the smile I remembered whenever I cracked a joke. I missed making him smile but a bit of me was still glad he tried to avoid me. Because it hurt to hear the love of my life spreading hate about me and all the people I loved.

So when it was finally the week of pride I was the first volunteer to help put up the flags and bake and sell the cupcakes. I was trying to protect all my friends from John.

It was me, Peggy and Laf desperately trying to sell all the cakes before the protest. That was when my stomach lurched and I caught sight of a sign reading "all fags must die" I shivered. I quickly tried to usher the people away. Handing them a cake and shoving them away, I looked over and saw Lafayette and Peggy doing the same.

Luckily I gave the last cupcake to a little girl before John could get near her. He slammed his sign on the table and started screaming "repent or suffer his Rath!" At the top of his lungs over and over again.

I did my best to ignore him even though he was right in my face. I simply rolled my eyes and grabbed the Megaphone I'd hidden under the table.
"Let me have a good life up here and let me go to hell later" I yelled. Alas it was drowned out by the crowd repeatedly yelling fag at me.

I gave a deep sigh and walked around the table that was separating John and I. I sauntered in front of him and leaned forward so our noses were touching. He snarled and opened his mouth to say something, but I pressed my fingers to his lips before he could.

"Listen I don't want trouble, a few rainbows never hurt anyone" I breathed.

"No. You're going to hell......." he ranted. But I stopped listening desperately trying to think of something to say or do to shut him up. Suddenly a stupid idea occurred to me. It seemed genius at the time however.

I closed my eyes and slowly pressed my lips to his. It had been something I wanted to do for a long time. And to be honest I didn't expect it to last more then a second before I got smacked away.

However to my amazement he instantly leaned into it. Dropping his hands to caress my cheek. The gentle way he was kissing nearly floored me, and I smirked slightly when I heard the audible gasped from both sides  of the table.

His lips were soft and slow against mine. It was nothing like I'd imagined. It was way better. The thing that shocked me the most though was when he ran his tongue along my lip to ask permission to enter. I gently parted my lips and allowed his tongue to explore my mouth.

Then as if he completely forgot where we were, I was lifted onto the table my back had previously been pressed against.

It dawned on me I was in the middle of my high School courtyard, making out with the biggest homophobe I'd ever met. While the entire school including his gang of equally Homophobic assholes watched on in disbelief.

As this realisation hit me I pulled away, noticing he whimpered a bit at the loss of contact. Then his eyes snapped open and he jumped about a mile back. Obviously realising there was no going back from this.

He sucked in a deep breath and turned to address his followers. They all either had a look to disgust or horror on their faces. However I spotted Mulligan and the faintest hint of a smile. I followed his eye line and saw he was looking at Laf. I almost felt my eyes bulged at the two massive revelations, some homophobes are just repressed gays, and I just made out with my arch nemesis and the boy I was in love with. More so now.

"As you may have all realised by now, I am not one of you. I'm sorry you had to see that obscene moment but Hamilton is is too goddam good of a kisser" he yelled. More gasps passed the mouths of my peers.

John the turned to address me. "I meant that by the way. If you want to continue this I'll see you after school and we can go to your house, my dad is the reason I was like that before" he proclaimed before grabbing a cupcake, a flag and my ass, then walking away his head held high.

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