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POV: 3rd person

Peggy was walking home alone at night. She been warned against this by her sisters but sometimes you just get caught out. She had turned down the offer for the bar tender to walk her out since she only lived a block away. It had seemed rational while she was in the warm and well lit bar. But now it was cold and too dark to see in front of her face.

Peggy pulled her jacket around her desperately trying to salvage what warmth she had left, and then began to pick up her pace to get home quicker. It seemed that every time she blinked the night got a little darker.

Shadows danced off what street lights were on creating horrible images from her intrusive thoughts. It made her anxiety level rocket up, so she started to run.

Something that made her feel worse was the sound of footsteps behind that began to match her pace. Peggy desperately tried to shake out her thoughts, trying to assure herself that it was only her mind playing tricks, still Peggy found herself reaching for her keys to put in between her fingers.

To her dismay Peggy found no keys there. Realising she'd have to turn back Peggy began to bargain with herself, she could go back in the morning but it would mean she'd have to knock and possibly wake up the house. But if she went back now it would be even scarier to walk home again. Peggy stopped but quickly started sprinting as the footsteps got even closer.

Suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder. Thinking quickly Peggy whipped round and swung a punch as hard as she could. To her shock a small squeak came from whoever she hit and there was the unmistakable sound of someone falling to the floor.

Peggy grabbed her phone and got turned on her camera to see who her would be attacker was. To Peggy's shock it was the bartender who was holding his cheek and groaning in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She yelled at the man on the floor.
"You forgot you keys, I figured you might want them so I wanted to give them back, I'm sorry I spooked you" he defended himself starting to climb back onto his feet.

"Oh god I'm so sorry" Peggy gasped giggling slightly, she stuck out her hand to help the bartender up.
Once he was on his feet Peggy grabbed the keys.
"Hey you punch really hard for such a little girl!" The man laughed awkwardly.

"Well my dad taught me that if someone wants to take you down, you go down swinging. So far I've not been kidnapped or murdered so I'd say it's effective" Peggy smiled. "Hey that looks painful, do you want to come back to my apartment, I have frozen peas in the fridge" she suddenly felt very bad about how hard she'd punched him.

Sheepishly the bartender nodded and they began walking back to the apartment. Peggy felt a strange comfort as she walked next to him, they didn't talk but it didn't matter.

Once they reached the Schuyler house Peggy sat him on the stool as she rushed off trying to find the peas.
"Lafayette." He suddenly proclaimed.

"What?" She turned to look at him, confused as to what he just said.
"My name, in case you were wondering, Lafayette" he explained.

"Oh right. I was just about to ask that. You got a last name Lafayette" Peggy pondered.

"Actually that is my last name, my full name is Marie-Joseph Paul Roch Yeves Gilbert du Montiour Marquis de Lafayette!" Lafayette proclaimed. Peggy stood stunned of a moment, forgetting exactly what she was doing.

"Yeah I'll stick to Lafayette for now" she sighed causing him to chuckle. Soon Peggy emerged with the frozen bag of peas and gently placed them where she'd punched him.

Peggy sat down next to Lafayette and began to ask questions wanting to know more and more about the alluring man in her kitchen. The hours flew by as they talked about any subject they could.

They found out they actually shared a mutual friend, John Lauren's and went to the same college. Peggy found out that Lafayette was born in France but moved to America when he was young with the hope he could change the world (which she loved). Lafayette found out that Peggy was at College and studying to be a humanitarian lawyer (which he loved).

After a while Peggy felt her eye lids start to droop, but she wanted to keep talking to her new friend so her ignored the fatigue that started to hit her hard. Eventually she couldn't help but yawn prompting Lafayette to check the time.

They realised that it was 8am and that they'd stayed up talking all night. Lafayette apologised profusely which Peggy dismissed.
"I have to go, get some sleep mon cher" with that he kissed Peggy on the cheek and jumped up.

"Wait!" She called after him just as he was about to open the door. He looked back in confusion as she slipped some paper into his hand. "Call me, I'd love to do this again sometime"

As Lafayette left with a huge grin on his face. Peggy sighed dreamily a smirk gracing her's.

This one was a keeper.

Don't be like Peggy and invite strange men back to your house even if you punched them. It's not a good idea

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