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AN: Royalty AU
POV: 3rd Person

John sat in the cold, dark cell. Shackled to the wall, he was starving. No one had come to feed him for at least two days and he could practically feel himself wasting away. He felt like he was slowly going insane, listening to water droplets echoing though his tiny confinement. At this point he practically willed the guards to come and drag him to his inevitable fate.

John tried to distract himself by thinking about the life he'd had. Unfortunately this just made him feel worse, he went from feeling trapped and petrified. To being free and petrified. To now being locked away because he made the stupid decision to pursue feelings he knew would get him hurt.

He suddenly heard thumping metal boots down the corridor and felt everything in his body run cold. This was it, the day he dies.

The door swung open and an emotionless guard unlocked his chains. John felt himself being hauled up and forced down the long corridors. Every room they past he could hear someone crying or screaming, it was so awful but he knew that his short and torturous existence would be over soon.

Once he reached the entrance to the throne room John prepared himself to meet the King. Right before he was pushed through the room John heard the King's booming voice.
"What do you mean he left, find him, and when you do kill him!" John recoiled in horror, thinking about the fate of the sorry fool that crossed the crown.

The guards then marched in, John getting dragged behind them. He was pushed to his knees in front of the King, his head forced down. He heard the young royal give an exasperated sigh.
"Must you treat the prisoners so cruelly Jefferson" this shocked John as he'd always thought of the King as callous and cruel. Not someone who cares for his subjects, let alone the prisoners.

"My apologies your majesty, this one tried to resist arrest and fight our guards when we were sent to capture him, so we decided that is was better to be firm" 'Jefferson' growled in response.

John rolled his eyes. While this was technically true. John knew to be on high alert when a troop of soldiers burst into his house. He tried to climb out the window but hey caught him and arrested him just before he could escape. He didn't exactly try to fight anyone.

"He's so scrawny, what could have have possibly done, stolen and loaf of bread. You know I have a policy against harassing the poor when they turn to drastic actions for food" the King responded.

"No your majesty. He is being charged with sodomy" John could basically hear the wicked grin on the guard as he announced what he did.

There was a long silence in the throne room. It was torture.
"I see" the King finally said. In a very soft, almost hurt tone.

"Shall I alert the executioner sire" John braced himself for the King's response.
Yes tell them I want it hung immediately, now get the sodomite out of my face. Was what he was expected. Instead there was another long silence.

"No!" An audible gasp was heard amongst the soldiers. It was common knowledge that sodomy was punishable by death. Now the highest power in the kingdom is saying no to his execution.

"My apologies sire I do believe I misheard you. Did you say no to the sodomite's execution?" Jefferson responded. Obviously trying to keep his outrage on check.

"Indeed. Send him to the servants quarters and I will deal a more suitable  punishment myself." The King ordered.

Once again John felt himself being man handled away. He looked up just in time to meet eyes with the young man, John noticed how nice his eyes were, a rich dark brow colour, filled with sweet sympathy. But they both hastily averted from each other's gaze as John was shoved along.

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