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POV: Alex

I sat alone on my bed, listening to the joy and music rumbling outside. I started to tap my feet when I heard my favourite song start to play but didn't dare get up to dance.

That was when my roommate burst through the door.
"ALEX WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUR SONG IS PLAYING WE HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW!" He screamed, grabbing my hand in an attempt to pull me up.

I simply sighed and looked at the floor, his tone suddenly softened a lot.
"What's wrong are you hurt, ill?" He sat next to me placing a hand on my knee.
"No, I just can't dance" I shook my head softly.

"Of course you can, you have Caribbean blood coursing though your veins!" The enthusiasm suddenly returned to his voice. I shook my head again feeling my eyes cloud up.

"My mum loved to dance but I never got enough time with her to learn, after she died my brother was so stricken with grief that whenever I asked to learn he would run away crying. And now it is too late!" I sobbed into his shoulder, at the memory of my mother dancing around her bedroom, me desperately trying to toddle and dance alongside her.

"I'll teach you!" John proclaimed, lifting my chin up with his finger, softly wiping my tears away.

I shifted my weight so that I could look at him directly.
"You'll what!"
"I'll teach you, come on stand up, it'll only take a few basic steps and soon you'll be salsaring all over the room." He jumped up stamping his foot to get me to stand up next to him.

I rolled my eyes but obliged his request anyway. John grabbed my hand and spun me under his arm. Before going under himself.

He tutted when he looked at me, sensing my unwillingness to dance.
"You're so stiff, you've got to move your hips!" And suddenly I felt his hands grip my waist and move me. Finally I melted into his embrace allowing him to swing me about. Finding the beat of the music eventually.

"There you go!" He laughed as we dissolved to jumping around the room, swinging our arms around.

"Can we go outside?" I whispered, and John's eyes lit up.
"Absolutely! I'll ask them to play criminal again!" He gripped my hand and dragged me to the door.

Once we were outside I was overwhelmed with the sights, smells and sounds of my beautiful street. I smiled as I heard the beginning of criminal and watched John run back to me.
"We need to find you someone to dance with, Oo maybe Liza, she's eyeing you up and down" I laughed as he looked around for women for me to dance with. But I simply slipped my hand in his and began to sway.

John however remained blissfully unaware of what I was doing, it wasn't until we were in the full swing of dance that he actually noticed what was happening.

"Oh! You want to dance with me!"
I giggled at his shock.
"Yes of course I do!" I pulled John closer to me, this time I grabbed his hips.

I looked into his eyes and smiled when he closed them, a smirk of content gracing his lips. We danced and laughed the whole rest of the night.

Before I knew it, it was morning. I was too tired to walk back into our apartment myself so I let John lift me up and carry me to bed. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead, before switching off the lights and shutting the door. Before he left I could have sworn I heard him whisper "Te Amo, Alexander" but shook off the thought thinking it a bit ridiculous.

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