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I sat still as Alex gently brushed the paint over my face. You could hear a pin drop in the room we were so quiet. I was, however finding it very difficult not to pass out, as Alex lent closer to my face and stuck his tongue out, licking his lips in concentration. 

Finally he sat back, smiling and admiring his work. I turned around to look at in the mirror but before I could Peggy burst in.

"No! You can't look until we've got you in full costume" she screamed making me jump. She grabbed both my hands and dragged me to her room, stopping just in front of the door to demand I close my eyes.

She opened the door and shoved me in, someone grabbed me and shoved me in a chair they then pushed a costume into my hands.

"Um hi?" I said, trying to figure out who was in the room with me. I heard a feminine giggle and someone telling me to just put it on.
"How do I know your not gong to watch me undress." I demand, sort of weirded out by the whole thing.

"Ok, I'll leave the room, but you have to promise not to look at the costume until it's fully on." She sighed, annoyed at my need for privacy. "Oh and it's Eliza by the way, so I wouldn't have looked anyway"

As I heard the sound of the door close I started fumbling around trying to get the costume on. I quickly realised this was a two man job or at least one man who can see. So I hopped over to the door trying to get Eliza's attention.

"I'm sorry I accused you of being a perv, can I get some help with this costume please!?" I yelled. I heard laughter from outside and the door reopened. I blushed and turned away as I was just in my underwear, but Eliza just grabbed the costume and helped me get into it.

After I was finally zipped into it, I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror. I gasped as I saw a terrifying skeleton staring back at me. I lent in closer to the mirror, admiring Alex's amazing face paint.
"You really do look fantastic" I whipped round to see a bright red Alex, smiling cheekily as I became very flustered.

"You saw me in my underpants!" Was all I managed to yell, causing everyone to break into a fit of giggles. I poked my head round the door, squinting accusingly at the Schuyler sisters. "Were you in on this" I yelled. Peggy was barely able to talk because of how hard she was laughing, she just nodded, squealing as she did.

I turned back to Alex, who had wiped the grin off his face, and now looked very apologetic.
"I'm sorry that you had to see that" I grumbled

"Not at all, it was a delight" the grin returned. Now I was thankful that I had paint coving my face because it meant that Alex could not see the bright red that crossed my cheeks.

The girls began a flurry of whispers and they scurried off, leaving me and Alex alone. I turned to follow them but he grabbed my hand before I could walk away.

I turned to face Alex, giving him a confused look. He pulled me closer to him so our noses touched and my breathing got quicker.
"I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess they told you about my crush." I tried to keep the mood funny, because I didn't know how else handle my overwhelming emotions.

"Well, yes. I'm so sorry for being a bit of a pervert by the way. Peggy kind of just pushed me in and I wasn't sure what to do."  He stepped back a little, becoming very bashful.

I smiled and stepped closer to him, suddenly being filled with confidence. I tilted my head so our lips were millimetres apart and smirked as he squirmed. I lifted my hand so I could caress his cheek.

Just as he closed his eyes and began to lean in I decided to tease him a bit, and put my hand between our lips.
"hey, wouldn't want to mess up my beautiful makeup now would we" I said I'm a fake stern voice.

Alex groaned and stared at me for a second. "Fuck you." He gave an exasperated sigh. Before grabbing me and kissing me. I pulled away after a few seconds a drunk smile across my face.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him out the room so that we wouldn't be late to the Halloween party. As soon as we left the room everyone cheered and clapped. I just smiled and kept walking.

This is John's makeup by the way

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This is John's makeup by the way

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