Chapter 14. A great big world

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The next day.

Adam's POV

Christina's been locked in her room all day, I feel bad for her last night really freaked her out, I just wish she could remember how her life was before then she wouldn't be as scared, I hate not being able to help her, I'm taking her to the hospital as soon as I can to see if theres anyway way of fixing this mess.

I took Max to Jordan's house, I couldn't let him stay home he'd be to worried for his mother and she was over whemed everytime she saw him, I sat there and waited for Christina to come out of her room, I turned on the TV.

"Breaking news, Christina Aguilera leashes out on paparazzi watch this new shocking video."

They played a video of Christina fighting with the paparazzi, they made her seem like a bad person, I was angry.

"Christina didn't know what they where doing having people she had never met before taking photos of her, every second shouting at her what else was she going to do?! she was scared!!"

I yelled at the TV like they could hear me, i watched as the women said.

"The diva has lost control this action was uncalled for and should be stop, she's has always attacked people shes a mess, Christina Aguilera is a monster someone needs to help her before she becomes more dangerous."

They replayed the video of Christina over and over again it almost seemed like it was on every channel, I couldn't take it anymore I turned off the tv and sighed.

"So..I'm a monster?" Christina asked to me, I jumped I had no idea she was in the same room as me or I wouldn't have watched the video, I said.

"No your not the monster they are, it's not your fault you didn't know any better."

She sat down next to me, she stared at the floor, I could tell she had just finished crying just thinking about it makes me want to cry myself, she said.

"But that's what everyone thinks I am, I really hate it here a want to go back to the island and I want you to come too, why did we ever leave?"

"Because it wasn't safe there, and your son needed you, you can't live the rest of your life on a island you need to experience life, meet new people go places, that something you just can't do on a island."

I didn't know how to explain it to Christina, she was like a baby learning how to walk for the first time, she still wanted to go back to the island but she just cant it's probably destroyed now because of the volcano, she'll just need to learn how to live here, I asked if she was hungry she said no, I talked with her about what happened and that I'd be taking her to the hospital to see if there's anything we can do to get her memory back.

It took some time but she finally agreed to go, I drove her there and waited for her in the waiting room, I was counting every mintue just hoping there was a way, it had to be at least 2 hours later but it felt like forever when the doctor told me the news, he said that there was no way to get Christina's memory back it was gone forever, all that I could do was tell her about it.

Knowing that there was no way to help her broke my heart, I had a break down in the other room i just couldn't stop crying, knowing that she would always be afraid I just couldn't hold it in, someone opened the door and put they're arms around me, I look up at christina she didn't have to say anything but i knew what she was thinking.

Christina's POV

We both were in each others arms, where I could feel safe I know there's something wrong with my memory.. I just can't remember what it is, I hate all of this it makes me so mad, you don't know what it's like to live with this..without knowing what your life was like before, and having to take on so many new things at once.

I looked out the window down at the parking lot it was raining, I saw swarm's of paparazzi just waiting for me to come out, just for a photo, why? what will that do why can't they just leave me alone? I'm just a normal person like everyone else right?..I guess not.

I thought to herself then walked with Adam out of the hospital, he try his best to protect me from them, driving home I watched the rain fall on the window wishing for things that will never come true, I just felt like giving up, but I know how much Adam means too me so for him I'm going to try everything I can to return life back to the way it was.. or at least try to fix it.

Once we got home I rushed back into my room and shut the door, I opened up my dresser that had a Ton of note books, I figure I'm the one who wrote in them, so I thought if I read my old journals then I could remember..maybe that would change everything back, so I started to read each one, hoping for the best.

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