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i wash my hands and hear the bell on the door ring, indicating that a customer has entered the small shop.

i peek out from the back room and see a familiar, now orange haired guy walk in.

"yoongi" my voice calls the familiar name. 'you're back, what a suprise"

he rolls his eyes at my sarcasm and leans against the counter to talk to me.

"what color this time?"

"black" his deep voice fills the empty room. no one is here in the shop except for the two of us.

i walk out from behind the counter and put on some gloves. yoongi sits on the chair he has sat on every sunday for the past few weeks and i raise my eyebrow.

"black? are you sure?" i ask, pulling out a bowl and some black hair dye.

"yeah" he says.

i start mixing the hair dye in the bowl with a brush and gently put it in his hair, starting at the roots first.

"you know" i start "your hair will fall out if you keep dying it all the time"

"then thats less of me that everyone has to worry about" he says, making me pause for a minute. i shrug it off and wait for him to speak again. "plus i know your hair dye has nothing in it hat'll harm my hair. that's why i come here, i know that you make your own dye. so i doubt it'll all fall out"

i scoff and set the brush down, massaging the dye into his scalp with my glove-covered hands.


i pull my hands away from his head and discard my gloves. we have time before i have to rinse the dye out of his hair.

"why black?"

"why not?"

"um... okay" i sit on one of the waiting chairs and continue talking to him. "why do you dye your hair every week?"

"why does anyone do anything?"

"thats a good question. whats with all the deep answers?"

he shrugs.

"okay, well come on" i say, putting a new pair of gloves on. i walk over to the rinsing station and he sits in the chair in front of the sink.

"are the colors you choose random or do they have a meaning?" i ask, turning the warm water on and running it through his hair to dampen it.

"a mix of both, i dont really know what the colors are but i guess it has a deeper meaing than it just being random,"

"what do you mean?" i pump some shampoo innto my hand and lather it in his scalp.

"thats not important right now"

i nod, not wanting to push any further just in case it makes him upset. then i remember he cant see me since i'm behind him.

"alright" i rinse his hair again, watching the black dye flow down the drain.

i finish washing his hair in silence, humming along to the music playing through the speakers and turn the water off. I lead yoongi back to his seat and pat his hair dry with a disposable towel.

i comb his hair a bit and trim it before leaving him alone at his seat to grab the blow dryer.

i plug the device in and turn it on, quickly drying the now black hair.

"you have a good voice" a deep voice says from below me. i look down and see yoongi in the chair looking back up at me. pink dusts my cheeks and i feel my face heat up.

"thank you" i say shyly. i like singing but i've never got a complaint from it. my parents always yelled a me to shut up whenever i sang.

he nods and i finish drying his hair, styling it the way he likes.

he looks at himself in the mirror for a minute before looking at me through the glass.

"black hair looks good on you" i say and he nods. i clean him up and he stands up. we walk over to the counter and he pays.

"bye" i say as he walks towards the door. "i'll see you next week"

he throws his hand up to wave but doesn't turn around.

"see you next week" he says and the bell on the door jingles, letting me know that he left.

i walk over to the sink and wash my hands one last time before walking over to the window. i turn off the light up open sign. i flip the light switch off and step out of the door, letting the bell jingle again.

i close and lock the door behind me before setting out towards my apartment.


A/n- the first chapter for colors! I hope you enjoy this story, please support it by commenting and voting. Thank you~

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