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i sit down on my towel that has been placed in the sand. i sit there, watching everyone else set up their stuff.

everyone made plans to go to the beach today.

i take out my phone, taking a few pictures of the water since it looks really pretty currently.

i look around and see jungkook starting to build a sandcastle, taehyung joining him moments later.

i stand up and decide to take a walk along the beach to look for some pretty seashells.

i start walking, looking down at the sand until i see a buch of feet in front of me.

i look up and see a group of girls standing there. the one at the front with brown hair smiles at me and i awkwardly smile back. i try to walk around them but the brunette stops me.

"hi," she says, twirling a strand of hair in between her fingers.

"hello?" i say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"you're pretty cute," she says and the other girls agree with her. "would you like to come hang out with us?"

i was about to reject her when a deep voice from behind me speaks.

"sorry, he's gay," i turn around and see yoongi standing there, looking at the girls.

they look at me like i'm a disgusting piece of trash before turning around and walking away.

i furrow my eyebrows and yoongi looks at me, locking eye contact.

"thanks, i guess?" i say and he nods.

"come on, lets go back," i nod and follow him back to where the others are.

i walk through the warm sand, walking towards the cool water.

i waddle through the water until its to my thighs before turning around to see who else has entered the water.

jungkook, taehyung and hoseok were already splashing each other with water, farther into the ocean than me.

jin and namjoon were laying on the blankets they brought, soaking up the sun.

i watch yoongi walk towards me, not wanting to sunbathe or have a splash war.

"hey," he says, reaching the area i'm in.

"hi," i smile at him.

we play around in the water, not splashing each other as much as the other three are though.

i laugh as yoongi comes closer to me. i walk backwards, not wanting him to splash me or pull me under again.

suddenly he grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him. My breath hitches in my throat and i feel my face grow red as i see how close we are.

i feel his breath on my lips and my eyes widen, if one of us moves slightly our lips will touch.

yoongi smiles, letting me go. he laughs, seeing my expression. i cover my cheeks with my hands and turn away from him which makes him laugh harder.

he grabs my arm and pulls me towards shore.

"Come on, lets go play in the sand," yoongi says.

i nod and we sit down on my towel, messing with the sand.

a scream is heard, making namjoon, jin, yoongi and i look over to where the other three boys are.

"oh man holy shit!" jungkook yells from the water.

jungkook picks taehyung up, letting us see what happened more clear.

blood starts flowing from taehyungs foot and hoseok yells, looking at it.

jin rushes over to him as jungkook lays him on a towel.

"what happened?" jin asks.

"he stepped on a seashell," hoseok says, covering his eyes with his hands so he doesn't have to see the blood.

"this looks pretty bad. we have to take him to the hospital,"

everyone groans and picks all their stuff up, making their way to jin's car. jungkook carries a panicking taehyung to the car and they make their way to the hospital.


A/n- short filler chapter! the end is coming very very soon. I'll probably double update today since the next chapter is short too so look forward to that! Thank you for reading~

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