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"orange this time," yoongi says from the chair. i nod and go to the back, fetching the orange hair dye.

"alright," i say, starting the usual hair dyeing routine. "you're green hair has faded a lot and it's only been a week. what were you doing?"

"namjoon and i went to the pool a few times,"

"and you didn't invite me?" i say, smiling, not giving yoongi any time to reply. "i'm joking,"

"i would have invited you but i figured you were busy working,"

"it's cool," i say. "maybe next time we can all go,"

"yeah, that sounds good,"

we start talking about random stuff the rest of the time, ranging from favorite coffee flavors to weird stories about our friends.

"yeah, namjoon burnt down the kitchen before when cooking noodles," yoongi says.

"how do you set noddles on fire?" i say, laughing.

"i don't know but now he's not allowed to cook," yoongi says, laughing too. "he stuck an egg in the microwave before too and it exploded. i had to clean it up and it was disgusting,"

"why would he put an egg in the microwave?" i ask, taking him to the rinsing station.

"he thought that how you fry eggs," yoongi says, making me laugh. "he has an iq of 148 yet he thinks you fry eggs by putting them in the microwave. i wonder about him sometimes,"

"wow," i say.

"yeah. don't get me started on all of the things taehyung does, he's wild,"

"he can't be as bad as jungkook and hoseok,"

"you would be suprised,"

"does he pick up random dogs on the sidewalk that obviously have owners and start petting them without permission like jungkook does?"

"yes, he does that a lot," yoongi says. "he almost got hit by an old lady when he started messing with her small dog, it was funny,"

"i'd rather have that then hoesok screaming all the time tbh," 

"taehyung does that too sometimes," yoongi says. "he'll barge into my home and start yelling . it happens a lot at night when i'm trying to sleep,"

"same, they always come at night. i've gotten complaints from my neighbors,"


"how is taehyung anyways? i had to take hoseok home early since he didn't like seeing all the blood. he was about to faint," i ask, remembering what happened at the beach the other day.

"he's alright now, he has a wrap thing around his foot since the cut was pretty deep and he's still limping,"

"i hope he feels better soon," i say and yoongi agrees.

we continue talking for a while as I dry his hair.

i finish up as soon as jungkook barges in.

"i brought your coffee!" he says, walking towards us with a starbucks bag.

"thank you, kook," i say as he hands me my drink. yoongi says the same as jungkook gives him his. i take a sip of it and smile as i feel the warm liquid go down my throat.

"you're hair looks good," jungkook says to yoongi as he sits down on one of the chairs.

"yeah, it does," yoongi says, smiling at me. "thank you,"

"no problem," i say, smiling back. i set my drink down and wash my hands.

"i gotta go meet up with namjoon so we can work on a song," yoongi syas, standing up. he takes another look at himself in the mirror before looking at us. "i'll see you guys later,"

"bye," jungkook replies, waving to yoongi.

"see you later," i say, watching him leave.

i sit down on the chair yoongi was previously sitting on and pick my drink up again, taking another sip.

jungkook and i start talking as we drink our coffees, waiting for another customer to come in.


A/n- A short filler chapter, the next chapter is the last one! Thank you for reading and please like and comment. Don't forget to check out my other story, Daybreak (and Sundown, the sequal to Daybreak if you've already read it) and my kpop story idea book if you want to write something but have no ideas!

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