Chapter 3,The queen

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Hello there fellow readers! Umm just going to let you all know now that there's going to be a bit of a time skip. The time skip will be near the end of the first marking period cause that's when grades come out. So I hope you stick along for the ride. Anyways enjoy!!!!!!!!!~
"*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* " My alarm clock sounds out.

I groggily make my way to my alarm clock to turn it off.

Once my alarm is shut off I walk to my bathroom grabbing my outfit for the day, which consisted of my favorite black Star-base shirt, some skinny jeans, a pair of grey and salmon colored high tops (the only things​ that was salmon colored besides the brand label was the flap and the insides.) And finally my gray sweater.

I grabbed my outfit and walked into the bathroom coming out a minute later fully dressed and wide awake.

I sighed quietly to myself. I felt as if today was going to be something that I did not like too much.

I sighed once more coming out of my stupor long enough for me to grab my backpack​,put my shoes on,grab a light breakfast, and head out the door with my keys in hand.

I had arrived at around 8:30 and had started making my way towards the door ignoring everything and everyone around me.

Somehow I had gotten so caught up in my thoughts that I failed to notice someone in front of me and ended up bumping into them.

I quickly snapped my head up from it's​ downward position and quickly caught the falling girl and myself before we hit the ground.

I then let go of her hand and kept walking muddering a quick apology to the girl before I kept going.

It was just as I was walking away that the girl finnaly snapped out of her surprised state and called out to me;

"Hey!" "Where do you think your going?!" The girl shouted.

I quickly looked around and then pointed to myself and said; "Me?"

The girl then glared at me as if I was mocking her and said;

"Yes ,you!, You scum!"

I frowned slightly at the name she had given me. I only knew of one such person who called people such names and, that was the person they liked to call "The Queen Bee."

I sighed at her name calling and shook my head at her imaturity.

"First of all, I'm not scum...I am a person, and secondly to answer your question, I'm going inside." I said as calmly as I could.

"What? You dare retort to my name calling? And who told you that you could speak to me you swine!" The girl shouted at me once more.

I once again shook my head in utter disgust and disbelief for the way this girl was addressing me.

I decided to answer her again regardless of what she just did because, I know that if you can make your foe your friend everything could work out in the end.

"You did actually." "You decided to ask me a question which inquired me to answer it for you." "Also I do dare retort to your name calling miss...because, quite frankly I do not like someone, especially if I don't know them very well...speaking to me as if I were lower than trash to them." I said as I was now making my way inside the building.

The girl just stood there shocked that someone had dared to disobey her.

She then snapped out of it as the bell rang signaling that she was late. She cursed herself for allowing her self to take part of something so petty such as a fight between herself and someone of lower rank than her.

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