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Tonight was a night that Star and Marco looked forward to because tonight was game night. Star and Marco both chose a game to play but couldn't agree on which one to play. Marco choose the game called chess and Star choose the game called twister. "Come on Star I know it looks boring but it's really fun you use logic and skill to get to the end." Marco said trying to convince her to play the game he chose but no matter how hard he tried she wasn't buying it. "I don't want to play a game that uses logic and skill!" Star yelled crossing her arms as she did so, her and Marco had been arguing about what game to play for the past 3 hours and they were getting no where.
On the stairs listening to their argument was their 14 Year old daughter Starlight. Starlight had blue eyes and brown hair, she had horns on her head like her mom did when she was Starlight's age, she also had the wand that was pasted down to her on her 14th birthday. Starlight loved adventure and was very smart so she was definitely a combination of both of her parents. Starlight couldn't take the fighting anymore so she spoke up and asked "why can't we just do both?" Star and Marco looked up to see who said that only to realize that they were arguing in front of their own daughter, "I'm sorry star I tried to make family game night all about what I wanted to play instead of compromising." Marco started, "no I'm sorry Marco I let this argument get out of hands when I should have fixed it." Star said with a guilty look on her face.
Marco lifted his wife's chin and planted a kiss on her lips, star was shocked at first but kissed back. Once they broke away they set up the first game and broke it up into 3 games: one for Star and Marco, one for Star and starlight, and the last one for Marco and starlight.
One long three games later

Marco won the first round, Star won the second round, and Starlight won the last round. They all had fun but now it was time to move on to the second game, Marco got out the mat while Star got the spinner. Marco started reading the Instructions until they heard a knock on the door "I'll get it!" Starlight yelled running to the front door, she opened the door to find Glossaryck a magic man that 'helps' the person holding the wand. "Glossaryck what are you doing here?" Starlight with a confused look on her face, "I'm afraid I have terrible news princess, something didn't happen in the past and if you don't go back in time to fix it I'm afraid you won't exist."
Dun dun dunnnnn cliffhanger and finally got to finish CH.1
See you soon byeeeeeeee!!!!!!

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