Dare #2

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Dare by RhiaNeedham Aaron hug evan

Parker:hm this is going to be interesting *He smirked*

Aaron:*Sees parker walk to him and whimpers*P-Parker dont h-hurt me please *He covered his face moving his broken nerd glasses*

Parker:I wont this time *He grins and shows aaron the dare*

Aaron:N-no I c-c-cant do that *He looked down Shyly*

Parker:Do it Nerd!


Evan:*Off of work duty and walks into Aarons lab*Dude sup?

Aaron:*Hugs evan tightly and lets go and runs off*

Evan:*Shocked but runs after Aaron* Aaron wait!

Me/Darkness lunamoon:There you have it ok I guess *Sighs and messes with aarons potions blowing it up in her alicorn face* Nice *She says sarcastically* oh well bye guys comment what truths or dares next Bye!

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