Dare #4

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JustaPurpleGuyFan Dared Crazy dave and Zomboss to be friends for a day, everyone needs to know about this

Aaron:*yawns and Sorts his broken nerd glasses out and stretches as they all just woke up for the morning* Mmmh~...

Scratch:*Walks past and Nods at Aaron* Morning hun

Aaron:*blushes* M-morning s-scratch

Parker:*walks past and Pushes Aaron over* Move nerd!

Owen:*Huffs and Comes over and Helps Aaron up* are you ok Cousin?

Aaron:*Nods* DAD!!! *he yelled for his father*

Zomboss:*Ran in* what is it son?

Aaron:Parker pushed me

Zomboss:Boys all be nice i will be back soon im going to Hang out with Crazy dave as we are.... f-frien.... friends now *Walks away*

Evan:*Gasps as he heard* wait woah what...

Cornelius:*Shrugs laying on the couch lazily*

Aaron:Yep that i-is happening T-they are friends n-now *He shifted uncomfortably next to parker afraid*

parker:*Grins evily at Aaron*

(Meanwhile with plants)

Charlie:*Wakes up and Shoots the pea out of his snout and Yawns* mmh~ lovely morning

Sunny:*Stretches and Faces the sun* You could say that again

chris:*Stretches his big Jaw muscles and Grunts* yes it is

Crazy dave:*walks in and Smiles* i will be back soon im going to meet Edgar George Zomboss *he said and Walked off* (Dave can talk in this or it would be Wabby wabbo or wabby sndjfbsm)

Rose:*Floats in shocked* Did he just say that Wow! We are all friends now Finally

Kernel Corn:*Silent Watching out for anything or any sort of attack*.....

Candy:*looks at kernel corn And moves her spiked arms* Kernel are you ok?

~meanwhile with Dave and Zomboss~

Zomboss:This dare was so unexpected but i suppose i can work with it for A little while

Crazy dave:*Nods* Yeah as long as we dont have to do anything like this but... worse *He said as they were sitting at the Chomper pizza place*

~meanwhile with the zombies~

Aaron:*Running Aaron screaming* AHHHHHH PARKER PLEASE NO IM S-SORRY!!!!

parker:YOU BROKE A FEW THINGS IN MY ROOM SO IM GONNA BREAK YOU! *Grabs Aarons lab coat and Pulls him backwards and twists Aarons arm back as hard as he could And Hears a snap* Hehe Easy

Aaron:AAHHHHHHHH!!!! *He screamed and Fell forwards holding his broken arm*

Scratch:*Walks downstairs and gasps* PARKER what did you do!!

Evan:*Comes in from making food and gasps* Aaron are you ok!? *Helps Aaron up and away from parker*


Charlie:*Was watching the zombies through a Telescope to see what they were doing* Ow poor guy

sunny:what is it charlie? *She asked*

Charlie:the all-star i believe who crazy dave Said was called Parker Just broke The computer scientist i belive he is called Aaron parker broke his Arm, hope hes ok

Sunny:*Gasps* poor guy

Rose:Look dave is back!

Dave:*Walks in Smiling* Hello everyone how are you?

Candy:Good... other than one me zombie was hurt from the all-star named parker as charlie was watching

Dave:Awh what happened is he ok who was it

Kernel Corn: the computer scientist called Aaron had his Arm broken by parker... *He went quite*

Dave:Awh poor Aaron i sometimes Speak to him hes ok hes very kind

~ Zombies~

Cornelius:Zomboss is back!

Zomboss:*walks in*Hello guys im back how have you been?

Scratch:Sorta Terrible your Son is hurt

Zomboss:It better not be that bad! *He said in shock*

Owen:Yes it was bad Parker broke Aarons Arm

Parker:*Walks past*

Zomboss:Parker! You will not be going on patrol for 10 Days!!!

Parker:UNFAIR! *he grumbled and Walked off slamming his door*

Aaron:*On the couch hugging Evan whimpering in pain his Arm bandaged and in a sling* H-Hello dad

Evan:Hey Boss Are you ok? *Stroking Aarons Spiky hair*

Zomboss:Im ok, but i suppose we all get to sleep *walks over to Aaron and Gently picks him up and carries Aaron to his own room* goodnight Aaron

Aaron:Goodnight dad *lays around and falls asleep*

Evan, Cornelius and Scratch:*All get in there separate beds*(They share a room)

Owen and parker:*In there separate rooms going to sleep*


Chomper:*Lays down to sleep*

Dave:Goodnight everyone *walks off*

Charlie and sunny:*Walk to under the Tree house and fall asleep*

Rose:*Floats to her Bed under the tree*

Kernel Corn and candy:*Follow rose and Lay down and fall asleep*

Darkness:*Yawns* Well that was that dare sorry it was a bit later than i planned i was busy and Have school Starting again on wednesday But I will be going now Enjoy! *Flies up into the clouds*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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