Truth #2

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RhiaNeedham Asked the zombies do you want to be human again?

Aaron:*Looks in shock at the question and whimpers and hides in a corner*

Scratch:Aaron are you OK?  *walks over to him pulling him into a hug*Baby what's wrong?

Parker:*Comes in and laughs*Haha he's scared of a question!! {lol this made me laugh}

Owen:*Snigger and sits in a chair hands on his fat belly* {He's fat OK?!}

Scratch:*Sees his brother cornelius come in* Look I did like being human but I don't think i would want to be a human it's boring

Cornelius:THAT'S TRUE! *he chimed in jumping in the air and falling* Ow

Aaron:*Shaking in fear and whimpers again his gapped sharp teeth biting his lip*

Parker:I maybe would as I loved being able to bully kids properly *grins*

Owen:I would as... *sighs* I'm not fat as a human and when I eat a lot I don't gain a lot of weight...

*Everyone looks at aaron*

Aaron:*Gulps and whimpers*F-fine no I wouldn't b-because my p-parents used to b-bruise me and h-hurt me  not f-f-feed me and lock me u-up *Hugs scratch tightly*

Me/Darkness:*Bursts in*Aaron it's OK your safe!!! *She hugs aaron and walks over to cornelius kissing his cheek and looks at the audience*Ahhh!! Oh forgot you where there *Blushes and waves at audience* oh well see ya next time x.x

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