Dare #3

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RhiaNeedham Dared sunny and Peashooter to go on a date which the zombies host

Aaron:o-oh dear this i-isnt going to end w-well *looks at alex who is eating a brain and aaron sorts his Broken nerd glasses out* d-damnit

Evan:*smirks and makes aaron jump* RAHH GOT YA

Aaron:AHHHHH E-EVAN!! *punches him lightly*

Charlie:*comes in holding sunny's leaf* we are going on a date at a resturant called o'braintural {XD}

Aaron:*shakes head*n-n... *owens fat engineer hand covers aarons mouth and He squirms From the force* Mmmh!!!

Sunny:*leaves with charlie and smiles*

~~Timeskip brought to you by sick plant~~

Owen:*in a fat waiter outfit and serves them the brain plater and smirks walking off*

Charlie:*takes the lids off and gags as a sign is digged into the brains saying plant brains* EWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! *sunny and charlie screamed running around flailing there leaves around*

sunny:W-WHY thats wrong and gross *she whimpered*

Aaron:*sighs and takes them out of the resturant* look were s-sorry it was a d-dare!! *he screamed as charlie was shooting peas at him* t-they were d-d-dead human b-brains!!!

me/Darkness:ok?..... well that was interesting, Aaron watch out! *sees aaron run into a tree* Really?! i just told you! *facepalms and waves at audience* oh well hes fine.... bye more truths and dares in comments please *Disappears using horn magic*

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