(Chapter 4)

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*Sapphire's POV: one month later*

I groan as I wake up, turning my alarm off.  I sigh, it's a Saturday, and also the first quidditch practice of the season.  I get out of my bed, put on a sweatshirt over my tank top and sweatpants over my spandex, I grab my duffel bag, and I head down to the common room.  I was really lazy when it comes to mornings, I've just learned to just take my stuff with me down to the locker rooms to change.  There's a chuckle behind me as I start heading out of the portrait.  I turn around and smile a bit.  "What's so funny Oliver?"  I ask turning around, crossing my arms across my chest.  "You." Oliver says with a smile on his face.  "Oh?  Well I'm glad I amuse somebody.  You know I'm to lazy of a morning to get ready before I get down to the quidditch pitch.  You should just be glad that I don't bring my whole bed with me."  I say and walking out of the portrait next to him.  He chuckles some more, and shakes his head.  We walk down to the quidditch pitch in silence, he goes to the captain's office to get all of the equiptment.  I go and I change into a pair of jeans, long sleeve shirt, and I put my sweatshirt back over it.  I walk back out with my Nimbus 2000 in hand.  I sit down on the ground and I yawn.  "If the rest of the team doesn't get here soon, I'll go back up to the castle and get them down here myself."  I say yawning once more.  "Relax, normally everyone is here on time, you know that.  Plus you're just an early bird, you could've gotten up later if you wanted too."  Oliver says walking up behind me.  "I could've but you know how I am.  If you want me awake for practice, I've got to be up for at least half an hour."  I say leaning my head back, looking up at him.  He sighs, shakes his head, and then heads back to the captain's office to grab something else.  I sit there for a good twenty minutes before the rest of the team starts coming down here.  First it was Angelina, Alicia, and Katie.  Then Fred, George, and Harry.  Katie wasn't really on the team, she was a reserve, but she came to all the practices anyways.  Oliver walks back out, and he starts explaining what we're gonna do today.  I mount onto my broom, and I kick off.  We start off, acting like it's a normal game, we doing our plays.  After Angelina passes it to Alicia, Alicia passses it to me, I go up towards the goals.  Oliver was watching me intently, trying to find out where and when I was going to throw the quaffle.  There's one thing that's probably harder than passing potions with a perfect, and that's getting the quaffle past Oliver.  When I get into my throwing distance, I fake throw it in one direction, Oliver falls for it, and I throw towards the real goal.  Barely, just barely, Oliver gets over and gets the quaffle before it goes into the hoop.  I make a pouty face, and I turn around, and fly back to the other side of the field.  We go at this until Harry catches the golden snitch, which takes about an hour and a half.  By then we were all slightly tired out, we all land on the ground, and I crack my back as soon as I get off of the broom.  "My lord I haven't had a workout like that since who knows when."  I groan slightly and I look towards Oliver.  Everyone laughs a bit, and Oliver shakes his head.  "You're something else Saph." Oliver says and a smile forms on the edge of his mouth.  After a few more moments after my little funny, Oliver gets back to his serious self.  "Well good job today, but expect the practices to get harder and longer.  This year is our year, we're going to win the quidditch house cup, I'm positive."  He says in a confident vioce.  We all agree, and we head in towards the locker room.  I change back into my sweatpants and I put my tank top on as well, not really bothering to put my sweatshirt on since i was sweating quite a lot.  I walk back to the castle to get some breakfast.  When I'm heading into the Great Hall, I accidentally bump into someone, and I fall over.  "My goodness!  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!"  I say hurriedly looking up at the person I ran into.  A hand reaches out towards me, and the boy smiles at me.  "It's all good, I wasn't really paying attention where I was going."  He says, smiling at me.  I look at him, smiling back at him.  "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory.  You must be Sapphire Potter, I remember you from our quidditch match last year."  He says looking at me.  I blush a light pink, and I nod my head.  "Yeah, that's me."  I say in a shy voice.  He chuckles a bit, and turns to walk into the Great Hall.  "Well I hope to see you around, maybe we could like well go together on the next Hogsmeade trip."  He says in a slightly shy voice.  I smile widely, and I nod my head.  "I'd love to.  Well I'll see you around Cedric."  I say to him.  He gives me one last smile, turns around and walks into the Great Hall.  I follow him in, and I go sit down at the Gryffindor table.  "So who's your new boyfriend Sapphire?"  Fred asks me.  I roll my eyes and I sit across from him.  "He's not my boyfriend Fred, he's just a friend, well that's what I'll call him.  We're just gonna go to the Hogsmeade together next time, nothing serious."  I say and I start getting some eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes onto my plate.  The two of them smirk at each other, then smirk at me.  "Trying to get loverboy jealous?"  George says, smirking at me.  "I swear, I'm not trying to do anything like that."  I say, flicking some eggs at the both of them.  They both raise an eyebrow at me.  "Oh really?  One of the coolest guys in the school asks you to the Hogsmeade, and you say yes.  What if Oliver asked you hm?  Who'd you leave, boy all the girls love, or your loverboy?"  George asks, and gives me another smirk.  I facepalm and shake my head.  "It'd be so rude to not go with Cedric after I told him I would, so obviously I'd tell Oliver no, unless he wanted to join us."  I say, starting to get slightly annoyed with the two of them.  They give each other a look, and then both shrug.  "It's like he likes me the same way I like him.  He's five years older than, he's obviously looking for a girl more his age and type.  He'll only ever like me as a friend, so it's no use to try and convince him otherwise."  I snap slightly, and I get up.  I storm out of the great hall, and out towards the lake to maybe let off some steam.  It hurt just to say that he'll never like me back, but at the same time it makes me mad that I'm loving someone who'll never even love me back.  "Sapphire?  What's the matter?"  I hear a kind voice say to me.  I turn around to see Cedric standing there, and he comes forward sitting next to him.  "Nothing."  I mumble, and I bring my legs close to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.  "it can't be nothing, your hair is blazing red.  I was blonde not that long ago."  He says as he keeps his eyes on me.  I take a look at my hair, and I sigh.  "It's not that big of a deal.  Just stupid teenage girl problems."  I say as I look at him slightly.  "Oh I see.  Well I hope they get better, if you ever want to talk, feel free to talk to me.  We might not really know each other, and well we're quidditch rivals so might not want to try and reveal everything to me or else I'll use it against you."  He says seriously, then gets a bit more joking.  "Uh huh, sure you will.  If anything you'll use anything I tell you against Harry, which honestly he needs cause his ego is getting bigger."  I say, getting a small smile on my face.  He chuckles a bit, and I start to blush a light pink.  Now I'm starting to see why girls like him so much, he's so kind, handsome, amusing, and he's a great listener it seems like.  We sit there for a few more hours, talking and joking around, until my stomach growls a bit.  "Sounds like someone's hungry, come on it's almost lunch I think.  If you want, you can uh, you can sit with me and my friends."  Cedric offers, in a slightly nervous tone.  "That sounds great Ced.  I'm not really in the mood to deal with the twins, not after this morning at breakfast."  I say and I stand up.  As we walk to the great hall together, a few girls glare at me, and some boys give him a jealous look. 

My Quidditch Captain, Best Friend, and Crush? (Oliver Wood Love Story) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now