(Chapter 1)

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*Sapphire's POV*

It's late at night, and I'm up right now working on my homework for school.  My school isn't really normal, it's for witches and wizards, it's called Hogwarts.  My aunt and uncle don't want me and my brother Harry to go, but they know that we'll get to go some way or another, so they just ignore us for the most part.  When Harry and I get back from Hogwarts they make us lock up our school supplies, and not do anything throughout the whole summer.  But this year they were busy showing off their new car, so I was was able ot go and get my school things from the closet and take them up to my room.  I hid them under my bed in a box, so I know they wont find them.  I finished writing my History of Magic essay, and I sighed happily now knowing that I wouldn't have to look at that for the rest of the summer.  I close my book and carefully roll up my parchment, and put them back into the box.  I slip under the covers of my bed, and go to sleep.

*Next Morning*

I wake up at 7, and I hurry downstairs to help my Aunt with making breakfast.  I put my hair in a ponytail, and start to cook the eggs for my uncle and stupid cousin Dudley.  Aunt Petunia walks into the kitchen and gets a small smile on her face, she wasn't always mean to me mostly because I acted a bit more normal than Harry.  "Now Sapphire when you're done with the eggs would you mind starting on the bacon?  Your uncle has to go and get Marge for the station later, and you know how he loves to have a big breakfast before going to get her." She says and sets the table.  "Yes Aunt Petunia." I say and turn the eggs on low, and then go and get the bacon out of the fridge.  I walk back and put the bacon into the frying pan, I make sure that I don't burn it because Uncle Vernon always complains if it's burnt a little bit.  I just finished with the bacon when Uncle Vernon walks in and sits down in his spot.  He looks at me and snaps, "What are you waiting for girl, bring me my breakfast!"  I roll my eyes with my back towards him, "Yes Uncle Vernon I'm coming." I take him his bacon, eggs, and pour him a mug of coffee.  He starts eating, and Dudley walks in.  I don't even know how he walks, like it's a miricle!  I get him his breakfast before he could start complaining.  Aunt Petunia comes back and tells me to get my own, and I smile.  I get myself some food, and eat quickly so I could start on the dishes.  I take my dishes along with Uncle Vernon's and Dudley's, and I wash them.  I put them back into their rightful spots after I dry them.  "Well I'm off to get Marge." Uncle Vernon says.  "She's coming?" Harry says with pure dislike in his voice.  I nudge him in his ribs, and Uncle Vernon gives a glare at him.  "You boy better be good this time, or else you'll regret it!" He says and walks out the door.  "Sapphire how about you and get Aunt Marge's room ready for her stay?  Then I could use your help in the kitchen when you're done with that." Aunt Petunia says smiling at me.  I smile, I know she didn't really like having to take care of us that much.  I tried to be good to them since they were kind enough to take us in, I just wish Harry was like that too.  I go up to Aunt Marge's room, and I make sure is just like she likes it.  I made a dog bed for Ripper, Aunt Marge's dog that I hated so much.  I sighed and walked back downstairs to help Aunt Petunia with whatever she needed help with.  "Now Sapphire do you remember how to make Marge's favorite pudding?" Petunia asks me while rushing around the kitchen trying to make everything good for tonight.  "Yes Aunt Petunia." I say staying out of her way.  "Good, now do you think you could make it?  I'm busy with other things right now, it'd be a great help if you did." She says.  I nod my head, and she smiles at me. I go and get the ingrediants and make the pudding.  I go slowly making sure that I do it perfectly, I decided to add a little bit of nutmeg in there to bring out the flavor more.  I put it into the fridge, and I go and sit down in a chair.  "I'd go and change into something else if I were you Sapphire, you know how picky Marge is." Aunt Petunia says with a bit of dislike in her voice.  I nod and I go change into a knee length sundress that I got for my birthday last year from the Weasley's.  I smiled and put my blonde hair into a ponytail, I'm able to change my looks now and I realized that Aunt Marge didn't know that.  I sighed.  My uncle hates it when I change my looks, but I think he'd agree that it'd be for the best if I did.  I changed it back to my original hair color of red.  I hear a knock at the door, and I go to answer it but Harry beats me to it.  Aunt Marge and Uncle Vernon walk through the door.  Marge looks at the two of us, "So you two are still here huh." "Yes." Harry says sassily.  I nod my head and look at her trying to act happy to see her.  "Don't say 'yes' in that sort of tone!  If it was my doorstep you turned up on you would've went straight to the orphanage.  At least the girl has mannors though." Marge says glaring at Harry and looks at me.  I force a smile, "It's nice to see you again Aunt Marge." I say in a fake nice voice.  She huffs, but nods at me.  Just then I see Ripper, and I groan quietly so no one else could hear.  Harry took Marge's stuff up to his room, and I help Aunt Petunia set the table.  I don't say anything unless I was spoken to, nothing happened at dinner besides Ripper at my feet trying to get to my food.  After dinner I help Petunia clean dishes, and put everything away.  "Oh Petunia that pudding was absolutly fabulous!" Marge says smiling.  "Oh I didn't make it today.  Sapphire did that, but I made sure she knew how to make it of course." Aunt Petunia says beaming at me a bit.  Aunt Marge raises an eyebrow, "Did she now.  Well you raised her nicely Petunia, you don't need to worry about her that much.  She'll make you proud later in life."  I smile happily, but I don't show it that much.  That was the first time that I've gotten a compliment for her, and lets just say it feels great to get one.  When all the dishes are done, and the rest of the food is put away I turn to Aunt Petunia.  "Aunt Petunia do you think you could sign something for me, for school?  It's nothing to important." I say biting my lip nervously.  She tenses a bit at the mention of my school, but she nods.  "I guess so." She says.  I smile and go and grab my Hogsmeade permission slip. I hand it to her, and she signs it.  She has a small smile and says quietly, "You earned that, I wasn't doing it willingly." I smile happily.  "Thank you Aunt Petunia." I say and go put it back in the box under my bed.  I go to my owl Atticus and give him some food.  I sneak him out at night, and my aunt and uncle don't know a thing about it.  I go over to my desk, and look at the letters he brought back last night.  I saw one from Fred and George, one from Hermione, and then the last one is from Oliver.  I smile happily, I always loved writing with Oliver even though he talks about Quidditch a lot.  I read all of the letters, and wrote back to all of them.  I walked back over to Atticus.  "Wanna go out and deliever some letters for me Atti?" I ask him opening his cage.  He hoots happily flapping his wings a bit.  I smile and tie the letters to his leg, "Go to the Weasley's, Hermione's, and Oliver's." I open my window and he flies away into the night.  I changed into some PJ shorts and a tank top, and I went to sleep. 

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