Chapter One

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°Third Person POV°

Amber slowly opened her eyes to see the same white ceiling she's seen for the past 3 years. She groaned and turned onto her side to look at the digital clock on her nightstand. She sighed and slowly sat up in her bed. "Time to get up..." she muttered. She felt a bad feeling form in her gut, but ignored it and started to get ready.

She started her normal routine, she showered and got dressed in her school uniform. She smoothed down her checkered skirt and sighed again. She didn't want to deal with volleyball today, some bruises were still healing. She walked into the kitchen, her thick redish-purple hair swishing behind her. She felt too lazy to actually make breakfast, so she just grabbed poptarts from the pantry.

She nibbled on the poptarts as she watched tv, watching the news and listening to the mental breakdowns and the train incident. 'huh, that's weird' she thought. After a few minutes she stopped chewing and dropped the poptart in her hand when a thought ran through her head, 'wait... I have to ride on the train to get to school.' She started choking on the piece of poptart she was chewing and had to chug the whole glass of milk she had sitting on the coffee table.

She picked up the poptart off the floor, silently thanking to the gods that the 5 second rule existed. She finished her food and checked the time on her phone. '7:40 huh? I have to leave now if I don't wanna be late.' she thought. She went to the door and put on her shoes and grabbed her bag, taking one last look at her empty, yet comfortable flat.

As she locked and closed the door she froze, remembering that she forgot her keys and headset inside her flat. She groaned and reached up to pat the top of the door frame, feeling for the spare key her mother had left her. "Mother was right," she muttered "I'm the most forgetful person in Japan."

She found the key and unlocked the door, quickly running inside and grabbing the items she forgot. She closed and locked the door again, putting the spare key back on top of the door frame. She put on her headset and started walking to the train station, listening to her favorite band, Gorillaz. It was a popular band in her home town, England.

She got to the train station in 10 mintues, it wasn't that far from her flat. She got onto her train and sat in a vacant seat. The train was almost completely empty. As time passed, more people began to board the train, and sooner than she thought, the train filled up. The left leg of the person in front of her was touching her legs. Soon enough, she grew bored of staring out the window behind her, and thought of something fun and stupid. She opened her phone and started reading articles about the train incidents, her paranoia slowly growing. She turned off her smartphone, probably the smartest thing she's done all day.

She looked up only to meet steel grey eyes. The boy in front of her was staring at her, holding his bag tightly to his chest in the cramped space. She felt her heart flutter at this daddy material in front of her. She noticed his face flush and look away. She slapped her cheeks and internally scolded herself for thinking such thoughts.

She then began to study the man in front of her. She noticed his uniform, curiosity getting the best of her, 'he goes to Shujin too?' She thought. She wanted to ask him, but she was to nervous. After 5 minutes, the train stopped at her destination, Aoyama-Itchome.

She stood up and slung her school bag over her shoulder, walking her normal path to school. She couldn't wait to see her best friends, Ann Takamaki and Shiho Suzui. She was especially worried about Shiho, she knew what Kamoshida was doing to her, she felt horrible that she couldn't do anything. Every time she tried to stop him, she would just make it worst for Shiho.

By the time she got to school She heard the first bell ring, signaling that class was about to start. She quickly went to her class and made a beeline to her seat by the window, ignoring the stares She got from the boys. She saw one of her best friends Shiho where she sat at the front of the room and waved to her. Shiho saw and gave a warm smile and waved back. Amber saw a new bruise near her elbow and immediately got depressed. She hated seeing her get hurt, ' She doesn't deserve all those "training sessions" ' she thought bitterly. She felt even more anger towards Kamoshida, but there was nothing she could do. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Shiho to quit volleyball. She always said this, "It's the only thing I can do right."

She was lost in her bitter thoughts towards Kamoshida when the teacher called out her name, "William-san" her head snapped up to meet the frustrated glare of her science teacher, "Aspirin comes from the bark of what tree?" Amber sighed answered almost immediately, "the white willow tree." the teacher scoffed, "that's incorrect. The correct answer is the bark from pine trees." Amber raised one eyebrow in amusement " I believe I'm right sir" she said smuggly while smirking, resting her head on her right hand, " the chemicals in pine bark could never make the same suppliment that is required to make aspirin."

The teachers face grew angry. He quickly opened up the text book, quickly finding the page with information about tree barks and finding the answer. His face went from anger, to denial, and finally to embarrassment. Amber had a smug look on her face as she watched his reaction. The teacher cleared his throat and fixed his tie, extremely embarrassed, "you are right... I apologize." The class began to murmur about the event that just took place. Amber heard little snippets of the conversations around her, things like "that's William-san for you..." and "she's so smart!"

Shiho looked at her best friend, shaking her head in disapproval while giggling. ' she never changes ' she thought happily.

°Time skip to lunch time°

Shiho walked to her friends desk only to see her sulking with her head on the desk. She could almost see a raincloud forming over her head. "You forgot your lunch again, didn't you?" Shiho sighed. Amber nodded, not bringing her head off the desk until she heard something being placed in front of her. She looked up to see a black bento box, a simple design was painted on it in white. She looked at Shiho in confusion. She was holding her own bento. "I know how forgetful you are," she said pulling a chair to Amber's desk and sitting on it, "that's why I made you one." Amber had happy tears dramatically running down her cheeks. She tackled the poor dark haired girl in a hug, "thank you so muchhhhhh!" she said happily.

"What's going on here?" a familiar voice asked. Amber and Shiho looked up to find their other best friend, Ann Takamaki. Amber chuckled "I forgot my lunch again... Shiho made me one" she let go of Shiho and started eating the bento, "Shiho always makes the best bentos." Shiho blushed as Ann pulled up another chair to Amber's desk. "You do Shiho." Ann said happily. They started eating in comfortable silence when they heard other students talking, "hey, did you hear about that transfer student? I heard he assaulted someone!" a long haired student said. The girl she was talking to nodded, "I heard that if you look at him he'll stab you with a knife!" Amber stopped eating and scoffed.

"I hate when people spread rumors about others. You can't judge him by what he's done. Maybe he's a good guy...." Ann and Shiho nodded in agreement. "We have to go though the same things, it doesn't feel good to have people look at you weirdly.." Ann said sadly. Shiho noticed the gloomy mood and tried to cheer them up, "what also feels bad is having to move desks from your best friend. Its your fault that you kept talking!" Shiho said teasingly, pointing an accusing finger at Amber. Amber shrugged, smiling, "hey, that's what happens when they place you next to your bestie. Its hard not to talk." they laughed, earning some strange stares from their classmates. "Its true! It's really temp-" Amber stopped talking as that bad feeling came back in her gut, stronger this time. Ann and Shiho looked at each other with a knowing gaze. They looked back at their friend and asked in unison, "are you ok?" Amber nodded, hugging herself. "I feel like something bad is going to happen... Im scared."

Ann got up from her chair and went behind Amber's chair and gently hugged her from behind, "everything will be fine. I'm sure it's just in your imagination." Amber nodded, "I hope so.."

They heard the speakers come on, and a monotone voice rang out through the speakers, " the pep rally is about to begin. All students and teachers please change into your gym uniform."

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