Chapter 6

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°Akira's POV°

Ryuji and I were currently talking in the courtyard about our situation. We met a talking cat named Morgana in the metaverse, and he was sitting on the table. He was the one who told us about the metaverse, and how we could change Kamoshida's heart by "stealing" his distorted desires. Ryuji and I were hesitant about it because if we messed something up, he could suffer a mental shutdown. Morgana knew about everything that happened in the office, he must have been hiding somewhere in there. "We have to do this now." Ryuji said, slamming his fist on the vending machine. "We hafta go to that world and beat the shit outta that asshole!"

"We're not beating him up! We're just stealing his distorted desires." Morgana said, correcting Ryuji. "I assume that you guys made up your mind about this? About how he might suffer a mental shutdown?" Ryuji turned to the cat, "...I have. Someone almost died because of him! I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him!" The cat turned to me, "And you?" I nodded, "I agree." Kamoshida needed a change of heart, he needed to atone for his crimes. "Then it's settled."

"Oh yea," Ryuji turned to Morgana, "is gettin' rid of a palace hard? You've done it before, haven't ya?" "...When did I say that?" Morgana asked. Ryuji crossed his arms in confusion, "huh? ... Wait were you pretendin' to know?!" Suddenly a female voice cut through the somewhat light hearted conversation, " it true that you're really getting expelled?" we all turned to see Ann standing there, looking glum. "Everyone's talking about it." Ryuji's face hardened again, and he looked down. "that asshole's at it again..." he looked back up at Ann, "is that all you came here to say?" She had a determined look on her face, "If you guys are going to do something about Kamoshida, Let me help." All of us were shocked at what she said, "I can't just sit back and do nothing after what happened to Shiho!"

Ryuji seemed completely against it, "this has nothing to do with you.. Don't butt your head into this." Ann took a step forward, "but it does! Shiho's my-" He cut her off, "don't get in our way!" Ann was silent, she glared at him before running off. "... That was harsh" Morgana said, looking at Ryuji. ".. We can't take her somewhere like that.." Morgana sat down on the table again, "I hope she doesn't torment herself over this.. When it comes to things like this, women don't hesitate..." he said worriedly. "We just have to get rid of Kamoshida's palace, let's go." Ryuji said. I nodded and we set off towards the alley way.

"The moment we cross over, we'll treat each other like phantom thieves, you better be ready." Morgana stated when we entered the alley way. Ryuji turned to the cat, confused, "huh? Phantom thieves?" Morgana looked excited, well, excited as a cat could be, as he explained, "Those who covertly sneak in and stylishly steal treasure, that's a phantom thief." I messed with my bangs, a habit that I have, "I see.." Ryuji was excited too, "That sounds awesome! So we just gotta say the schools name, Kamoshida's name, and....castle? Then we end up in that bizarro world." He took out his phone, looking at the metaverse navigator app, ".... How the hell's this all work? You think someone made it?" he asked. I shrugged, "I don't think it matters...."

Ryuji nodded, "I guess you're right.. There's no point thinking about it now. We'll show that e'ffin Kamoshida!" "Let's go then" Morgana said.

While that was happening...

"They really are going to do something..." the blonde haired girl mumbled to herself. She was watching them, hiding behind the wall of the alleyway. "They're doing something...on a phone? A name...and then the school?" Just then, who world around her started to shift in her cognition, and the blonde was shocked as she was transported into the metaverse along with the boys, "huh?!"

When her vision cleared, she was standing in front of a giant castle where the school should have been. There were 2 people and some sort of cat in front of it. They were dressed really weirdly and talking. "What is this?!" Ann yelled out, shocked at what she was seeing. The 3 people turned around in shock hearing her voice. She walked up to them and the blonde haired one spoke, "T-Takamaki?!" Ann recognized the voice and turned to him, "That voice... Sakamoto?" She then turned to Akira, "Then you must be Kurusu-Kun?!"

"W-why are you here?!" Ryuji asked, extremely confused. "How should I know?!" Ann asked, "Hey, what's going on? Where are we...?! Isn't this the school?!" She started looking around at everything, the purple sky, the giant 'castle' behind her. Morgana finally spoke, shaking his head. "I see. She might have been dragged in because of that app thing. If multiple people can enter with the person who uses it, it makes sense that it would pull anyone nearby."

"For real...?" Ryuji muttered to himself. The girl seemed to put the pieces together in her head, "Wait, so this has to do with Kamoshida?" "Anyways, you gotta go!" Ryuji said hurriedly, but Ann was stubborn, "no!" The cat spoke, "the shadows are going to find us if you make a scene.." She must have finally noticed that morgana was the one talking and started freaking out, "no way, it actually talked?! Oh my god, its a monster cat..!" His eyes widened, "m-monster?!"

"You better explain what's going on, in not leaving until you do!" Ann fussed. Ryuji sighed and akira turned to him, "it looks like we have to force her... But how are we suspposed to do that..?" "Just take her back the way we came in," the cat said, " thats how it worked last time right?" Ryuji nodded, "o-oh yea.." He turned to his black haired friend, "will you lend me a hand?" Akira nodded slightly, "alright.. But I feel bad though.." Ryuji sighed, "we cant deal with Kamoshida if we don't." The girl was confused, "what are you-?"

The blonde in the skull mask cut her off, "we'll explain everything after it's over!" They both started walking towards her and she stepped back in shock. They pulled her towards the entrance, careful not to hurt her, "hey! Where do you think your touching?!" She yelled out. Ryuji's eyes widened, "woah, s-sorry I didnt mean-.. That's not important!" "you guys seriously- Ah!" Ann yelled as she was transported back to the real world.

°Time skip switch to Amber's Pov°

It's been about 4 days since Shiho tried to kill herself, and Ann has been acting weird. She hasn't been talking to me, and she's been hanging out with Akira and Ryuji a lot. Akira and I still go on the same train, but he doesn't look at me. I also noticed that he has a cat that he carries in his bag, it's really weird. But I want to know what they're doing, they go up to the roof almost every day after school. They even took my best friend away from me when I needed her the most. With Shiho in coma I really need a shoulder to cry on, and Ann hasn't been there. Today I made a plan to find out what they were doing.

I was going to follow them.

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