Chapter 2

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°Amber's POV°

I sighed for about the 10th time today, changing into my gym uniform. Shiho's locker was next to mine, and we began talking about the pep rally. "I feel bad for the boys, they have to go against Mr. Kamoshida." Shiho said sadly as she pulled her gym pants. I nodded, putting on my shirt. "Especially Mishima." Shiho said, blushing slightly. I snickered, "Awww are you worried about your boyfriend?" I poked her cheek, still laughing. Shiho slapped my hand away, blushing even more, "H-he's not my boyfriend!" she said embarrassed, "I-im just w-worried about his well b-being!" she stuttered. I laughed as I closed my locker. "Don't deny it honey, I see the way you look at him. You can't hide it from me" I winked playfully.

Once we finished getting dressed, I asked, "We have to go, are you ready?". She nodded, "yeah, but you go on without me. I'm going to talk to Mishima before the game." I smirked, "Oooohhhh? You wanna cheer on your boyfriend?"

"S-shut up!" she said, quickly walking out of the locker room. I snickered again and walked out too, walking towards Ann. I turned the chair around and sat on it, leaning forward against the back of the chair while resting my head on my arms. I watched the students and staff begin to set up the game, but in the corner of my eye I see Kamoshida check us out, his eyes looking up and down. I squirm in my seat, it made me super uncomfortable the way he looking at us, it made the bad feeling in my gut even worse than before. I turn to tell Ann that he's looking at us weirdly, but once again, in the corner of my eye I see 2 people looking at us. But one of them is the guy I saw on the train earlier today.

I then accepted the fact that that guy is complete boyfriend material, and there was not a single doubt about that. "Ann," I said softly.


"First off, Kamoshida is checking us out and I'm pretty sure you and I are not okay with that. Second, 2 cuties are looking at us."

I heard the shrill sound of the coach's whistle as they began the match between male teachers and the boys volleyball team. I laid my head on my arms, facing the match. I quickly tied my hair up in a high pony tail. I still felt a pair of eyes on me, at first I thought it was Kamoshida again, but I saw him completely focused on the match. "Hot guy mission report: Blondie turned away when I looked, cutie #2 is still staring." Ann whispered to me. I giggled, and felt a smile form on my face. But my smile took the form of a frown as a certain green eyed monster crawled into my mind, 'he's probably staring at Ann...'. My thoughts were interupted when Mishima was slammed into the ground by Kamoshidas spike.

I gasped and got up, running to Mishima. I kneeled next to him and helped him sit up. I saw Shiho in the corner, shocked, with her hands covering her mouth. "Someone bring him to the nurses office!" Kamoshida says, crouching next to me. He looked at me before resting his arm over my shoulders, "Don't worry, he'll be fine." he said. I tensed up and froze, not moving a single muscle. Fear taking control of my body. I could barely breathe. My mind screamed at me to get away from him, but my body didn't listen. It wasn't until he let go and walked away was I able to move again. I slowly got up and walked back to Ann. 

When I got to Ann she hugged me, trying to calm me down. She gently guided me back to where we sat. She gave me her jacket which I gratefully took and put it on, zipping it up and putting on the hood. I fixed the chair so it was back to normal and sat down like a proper girl should, according to my Mother. The boys game continued on, the teachers completely destroying the boys volleyball team. When it was the girls turn I groaned and stood up, "I don't want to do this. I wanna go home." I whined and gave Ann her jacket back. Ann nodded, "I'm sorry, but after the game, you get to go home don't you?" I shook my head, "Nope" I said popping the P ", it's my turn to clean the gym." She smirked"Sucks to be you doesn't it?" I laughed and playfully punched her shoulder, "Shut up! Wish me luck!" I walked onto the court and walked to my starting position, I was serving. I scanned my team and caught Shiho's eyes. She nodded at me and I nodded back. The teachers should be easy, none of them seem athletic. Once the coach blew his whistle the game began. I threw the ball up and as the ball flew into the air and ran to meet it at the serving line, I jumped midway and hit the ball, and watched it fly over the net.

°Time Skip°

It was the last 10 seconds of the match, and the girls volleyball team winning by a landslide. The volleyball was on our side, Rin hit the ball and it tossed towards Yuki. Yuki looked at me with the corner of her eye as she began to set the ball. I immediately understood her plan and watched as the ball came soaring towards me. I jumped with as much energy as I had left and spiked the ball with as much force as I could do.






The female volleyball team won, and everyone began cheering. I smiled and talked with my teammates, pulling up my shirt to wipe off the sweat on my face. I looked around, trying to find Ann, to only meet Kamoshidas gaze. He was slowly clapping while looking at me. I cringed slightly and looked away. When I turned towards the glass doors leading to the courtyard, I saw that guy from the train walking out the double doors. ' I should really find out what his name is.' I thought to myself.

I saw Shiho talking to Ann and I jogged over to them, congratulating Shiho on how well she did. After congratulating her, I had to go get ready to clean the gym. I walked to the janitors closet and got ready to clean.

°Time skip°

The gym was completely vacant by the time I started cleaning. I folded all the chairs and put them in a stack then started to clean the floor. I was sweeping the lower half of the gym when I heard a door open. I looked up to see who it was and tensed up. Mr. Kamoshida was standing at the gym doors. I felt fear breathing down my neck. Kamoshida smiled at me and began to walk towards me, "Job well done Amber, the gym looks great," he said. I took a weary step back, "Thanks..." I mumbled. I didn't stop watching him, watching as he got closer,and closer. I was scared of what he was planning to do, knowing his past record at this school, it can't be good. "Amber, do you know that you're very beautiful?" he was now  standing in front of me, looking down at me.

"U-um.. T-thanks" I stuttered. He placed his hand on my cheek and I stiffened up even more as he started caressing my cheek. My body finally listened to what my brain wanted to do and shoved him away. "What do you think you're doing?!" He lost his balance and hit the floor with a loud thud. I saw pure rage spread across his face. Once I saw his reaction I quickly sprinted to the janitors closet, hoping to lock myself in there until help comes. 'Wait,' I thought, mid way as I was running, ' Why am I not running to the gym doors instead?! Wouldn't it be smarter-' Before I could finish that thought, I felt pain flare across my scalp as my hair was pulled backwards. I hit the ground and groaned as my back hit the hard wooden floors.

I opened my eyes to see Kamoshida on top of me, with my arms pinned over my head. I started crying and began to struggle, but I knew it was useless. The guy was a Olympic medalist, what could I do? He was much stronger than I was.  

"Ann won't pleasure me,so you'll have to take her place," he said staring at me with those hideous lustful eyes.

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