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Chen's POV

It was as if all the air in my lungs had been kicked out of me and that my world had crumbled to the ground. My breathing became uneven and felt dizzy.

The sight in front of me confirmed all of my doubts towards Suho and that Xiumin were right. Hot tears had found their way out of my eyes and were now rolling down my cheeks, while I just stood there completely frozen in place.

The will to speak came back to me and I let out a sob. My body began trembling and my knees were close to give away under me.

"S-Suho?" I managed to choke out. The tears flowed down my cheeks like a never ending well. All the times Suho kissed me, held me in his arms and told me he loved, were all lies.

They stopped kissing as soon as my voice reached them and Suho turned his head to look at me. Johnny didn't seem to be faced by the fact that we're only a few centimetres away and began kissing Suho's neck.

Suho let out a chuckle and smirked evilly at me, his eyes cold as ice.

"Chen," he said shortly and his smirk disappeared. He turned his head towards Johnny once more and it was as if my body warmed up from the ground and sprang at the them.

I wanted to rip his head off and burn his body. I've never felt so infuriated before to the point where I wanted to kill someone. Being the pacifist I am it didn't look like me, but I wanted to make him feel the pain I was feeling at this very moment.

My legs began to move towards them, but they didn't go far 'cause a pair of arms locked themselves around my waist holding me back. I kicked and struggled to get out the right grip the arms provided around me.

"Let go of me!" I screamed in anger and sadness. Never in my life had I felt so betrayed and sad. "How could you?! I loved you! I loved you, Suho!"

My sobs could possibly be heard all over by now, but I could care less. The person began pulling me backwards, away from the scene in front of me.

Suho looked my way and rolled his eyes.

"Guess you made the wrong choice in boyfriends," he said chuckling. Johnny laughed as well.

I struggled to get out of the grip and launch my body at the Suho and Johnny.

"Chen, c'mon," the voice belonged to Xiumin, who were also the person holding me back. "Come on, Chen. Lets get away from here."

Xiumin's voice calmed me down and I let him drag me away, but my sobs and shouts didn't calm down. The tears kept falling from eyes and I was close to collapsing from all the energy I had used on crying, kicking and shouting.

When we rounded the corner and had gotten far enough away from the scene and into a room, probably a closet, Xiumin turned me around and held me tightly into his arms. Per instinct I wrapped my arms around his torso and sobbed into his chest. My knees gave away under at this point and we slowly went down to ground, Xiumin still holding me close into his body.

His arms soothed my back slowly as well as his voice. He hummed a calming melody into my ear and swayed us from side to side. My arms held onto his shirt and I pressed myself against his strong and warm body, letting sob after sob out.

My heart had broken into million pieces and just wanted to end myself.

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I hope y'all still love me.. hahah I wouldn't love me after doing this.

Well I just finished all my exams so now it's summer!!! YEHET BISHES!!

Don't forget to vote and comment lovelies!!

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