T W E N T Y - S I X

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Chen's POV

If there was one thing that caught my attention one morning, it was that I felt beyond nauseous. I had felt like this for the past 2 days now and I have zero idea why. I hadn't eaten anything unhealthy, probably because Kyungsoo would never make food off of something that 1 day old, but it was still there.

Today was different though. It had gotten worse, much worse. I quickly got out of bed, not minding that I would wake up Xiumin and sprinted to the bathroom. I heard Xiumin calling for me, but I couldn't think of anything else than going straight to the toilet.

I bend over the toilet and emptied my stomach. The feeling was horrible and it didn't seem to stop. It went on for about 2 minutes and I was getting beyond dizzy. If it wasn't for Xiumin, who came and held my head and soothed my body, I don't think I could've handled it.

I breathed in and out heavily, when it seemed to stop and Xiumin gave me a glass of water I drank some and cleansed my throats of the horrible vomit taste and spit it out in the toilet and I flushed the toilet. I sat down against the wall and leaned my head against it. My nauseous feeling hadn't subsided that much. It was still nagging me and I had a feeling I would have to throw up again.

"Baby, are you alright?" I looked at Xiumin and he looked worried. I gave him a weak smile and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I think," I scrunched up my nose when I felt my stomach churn. I whimpered and bend over the toilet once more, emptying my stomach.

- - -

My stomach had finally calmed down and I went into the kitchen with Xiumin. The rest of the boys were looking at me concerned. Kai went up to me and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" His face was covered with the feelings, concern and worry. I accepted his hug and put my arms around him.

"Yeah, now I'm fine. Maybe it's just something in the weather that has my stomach hopping," I let go of Kai and sat down on one of the stools tiredly Xiumin sat beside me and put his arm tightly around my waist. He kissed my cheek and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

"If anything happens just go to our room and sleep. We'll explain everything to the managers," I smiled gratefully at him. The boys nodded and smiled widely.

"Thank you, but I think I've gotten better. Don't worry," I said smiling back at them. Kyungsoo gave me some roasted toast and a glass of water to help my poor stomach and I gladly accepted it.

The rest of the day went fairly well until we came home from the SM building. My stomach started turning again and I ran for the bathroom and emptied my stomach yet again.

- - -

After a few days of this we decided that I needed to see a doctor because this is too bad to be a stomach flue. On the way to the doctor I was having cold sweat. Terrified of what the doctor might say was wrong with me. What if I had a deadly sickness? What if I have stomach cancer?

My thoughts ran wild until I entered the doctors office and we were seated in front of him.

"So Kim Jongdae. I hear you've had a bad stomach flue for the past 2 days yes?" The doctor professionally asked me. I nodded.

"Yes, sir," I gulped down trying my hardest to remain calm. The doctor began asking questions about what I had been eating and doing for those past two days. I answered only with that I had been eating healthily and drunk a lot of water. The doctor nodded.

At some point during the interrogation the doctor suddenly stopped up. He looked deep in thought. His mouth slightly agape.

"It can't be," he whispered. I looked at him completely shocked and scared. Oh god. What now?

"What? What's wrong?" I said frantically.

"I mean it's not entirely impossible seeing as we live in a world where everything can happen.. but this is something I've never expected," he whispered obviously in his own thoughts. I coughed and he looked my way and he came back to reality and shook his head and regained his professional posture.

"Kim Jongdae, I have feeling that you might be pregnant and I have a pregnancy test I would like for you to take," I nearly fainted at the words pregnancy test. That's impossible right? My eyes began watering. I'm a man. This isn't supposed to happen. So why is it happening now?

"O-okay," I stammered in reply. "But how is that even possible? I mean I'm a man and I don't have a vagina." My words were trembling. I was trembling. I don't get it. I'm not a woman?

"Like you heard me saying. It's not entirely impossible seeing as we live in a world where is possible, but I agree with you. It shouldn't be possible, but we have to check for safety," he said and I was panting frantically as I nodded. He pulled out something from his desk and put a pregnancy test in front of me. I took it and looked at it.
What if I'm pregnant? How's everything going to happen from now on? Will I be kicked out of EXO? Will Xiumin still love me? Will the boys still see me as their brother? Tears started to well up in my eyes. I don't know how to react, let alone live if I should be pregnant.

"I would like for you to go into the bathroom and take the test," I nodded and stood up walking out of the office and into the bathroom. I followed the tests guidance to how you take the test and afterwards I waited for 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes tears started to flow from my eyes. How will I tell everyone this? How am I going to tell Xiumin? Are they going to believe me? They probably won't and I'd be left all alone to deal with this. Xiumin, if this is happening, then please don't leave me alone.

I, at some point, started thinking if it would be possible for me to get an abortion and I involuntarily shuddered. No, I don't want that. I can't kill this child. I don't think I am pregnant, but if I turned out to be, I certainly wouldn't kill it and get rid of it. I might be terrified of the idea, but I couldn't do anyway. It's Xiumin's and I's child. It's something we created. The thought made me a little happy actually. Xiumin would be a dad. In these past days where we've been dating, the thought had crossed my mind that I'd like to have kids with Xiumin. The thought of him holding a child made butterflies fly in my stomach and now the thought that he could be holding our biological child made me feel a bit giddy.

5 minutes had past and I took the test with my trembling hands. It had two lines. I scrunched my face and tried to remember what that meant.

1 line meant not pregnant and...

2 meant pregnant.

Everything seemed to become blurry and suddenly everything turned black.

- - -

I woke up a few minutes later still lying on the bathroom floor. The pregnancy came into mind again and I started crying.

I'm pregnant. I'm with child. Xiumin and I's child. We're going to be parents.

• • •

HAHA! Chen is preggooo.

Tbh mpreg stories didn't really please me, but I guess exo has changed that.. lmao what haven't they changed in me?

I hope you like this chapter :3 it took me some time to think it all through, plus I have another story in mind. It's a fanfic with D.O. (о''о) it's called The Housekeeper.

But I don't know yet you'll have to wait for that )^o^(
I actually got the idea from EXO Next Door lmao, but it's not going to be anything like EXO Next Door though soo don't worry haha.

That would be all for now (*''*)

Don't forget to vote and comment <3 ily so much

Thank you for reading this story and for getting me to 1K reads! Omfg guys I'm crying thank you ('ρ')

See you next chapter!

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