T W E N T Y - N I N E

209 9 5

Xiumin's POV

Packing our stuff was probably one the worse things that happened the next day. We were all silently crying as we packed. The boys helped us remember our stuff so we didn't forget anything and had to go back here and get scolded by the manager. The manager hadn't given us a specific day to leave, but we kind of got the message when he "get out NOW"

Chen and I both agreed on that we'd switch between our parents' houses, starting out at Chen's, since Chen was the pregnant one, he would like to meet his mom and get some advice on pregnancy. I totally understood. I didn't mind where we were staying as long as I was with Chen.

We had finished our packing and were now sitting in the living room with the boys. Silence has engulfed us neither daring to speak because that would result in us getting closer to leaving. Chen's dad was coming to pick us up when we had found out time.

Everybody was crying. Some silently, others let out a few slightly audible sobs. My tears fell silently from my eyes, my lips wobbling slightly.

Chen was the first one to speak up.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much. I'm sorry. If we had known that I'd get pregnant, we wouldn't have been so reckless," tears started roll down his as he apologised. I rubbed his back and he looked up giving me a look of gratitude.
I didn't like that he gave the pregnancy all the blame, when some of the blame clearly lied with the manager.

"You're sorry for becoming pregnant? Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things in this world. The fact that you're a boy and that you're pregnant doesn't make it any less beautiful," Baekhyun quietly spoke up, slightly choking on his tears. Chanyeol rubbed his back as a sign of compassion. Tears seemed to flow from Chen's eyes more evidently after Baekhyun's speech.

"Baekhyun's right you know," Kyungsoo quietly agreed. Tears was forming in his eyes as he spoke. "I'm beyond sad that you're leaving as well, but saying it's the pregnancy's fault is a lie. It's not. It's the manager's fault. Being pregnant is one of the most common things in the world and the fact that you're a boy doesn't make it any less common."

Chen looked at them back and forth with teary eyes and nodded slowly, silently agreeing with them.

"I just don't want to leave you guys. It breaks me down thinking that I'd never get to stand on that stage with you and singing our songs again," he choked out. My crying couldn't be kept silent anymore and I let out a sob. All that Chen had said there was how I let as well.

"We don't want you two to leave either, but the pregnancy isn't the fault here. It's the manager. He decides for this group. He probably thinks it's good that you two leaves because you're pregnant, Chen, which is an obvious lie. It wouldn't do any good for us," Kai spoke up, sobs and hiccups escaping his lips once in a while as he spoke. As he had said the last sentence he broke into a fit of sobs and Kyungsoo had to hold him and caress his back before he could calm down to the point where he would be able to speak.

"I love you guys with all my heart and soul. No guys can ever take the place of being my dongsaengs. You're the only dongsaengs I want to have and I'm not replacing you, ever. No other boys can make me laugh and feel comfortable like you can. Well, with the exception of Chen right here, but you understand me," I couldn't keep myself from crying more. It was draining me. Sucking out my will to love slowly and agonisingly. The last added sentence however made us all chuckle lightly through the tears and. It was nice, but afterwards my words began to sick in and everybody cried harder than ever.

"Hyung, don't forget us please," Luhan came over and hugged me tightly while hiccuping, sniffing and crying.

"Lu ge, how could I ever forget my favourite dongsaengs?" I buried my face into his blonde locks and cried together with him. Hiccups leaving our mouths making us choke on our tears. I released the hug and Luhan went and talked to Chen, while Chanyeol came over to me looking utterly devastated . No words were said, but they weren't needed, the action spoke for itself.

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