T W E N T Y - F I V E

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(Okay so I've decided not to make a sequel 'cause I have an issue trying to find a plot for it soo I'm gonna continue with this because I think I have an even better idea if I continue.. bahaha sorry... any way enjoy this chapter!)

Xiumin's POV

SMUT! (Stay away if you're 14 or younger! Lmao jk xD just read and enjoy)

The next day, after we had been practicing in the studio until 3 o'clock, SM go us the rest of the day off and I thought that it would be a good day to go on a first date with Chen.

We were currently sitting in the car in our way to the dorm and I was contemplating hard on how to ask him out. I've never really been shy, but now I can feel myself getting a bit nervous.

Okay, I'm just gonna take Chen's hand once we enter our room and ask him softly. That's it.

When we got back to the dorms my heart started to pound loudly in my chest. I took deep breaths to calm myself down as I exited the car and took hold of Chen's hand. The fact that Chen and I are finally together seems so strange, but in a lovely way, 'cause I've been waiting for this day since forever. Wen I feel Chen intertwine our hands my cheeks heated up and a smile spread across my face. I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep the smile in.

I gave Chen's hand a squeeze and he giggle beside me giving mine a squeeze as well. I looked at him and we laughed.

As we entered our room, my breath got hitched up in my throat. This is so stupid. He's my boyfriend. Of course he'd want to go on a date with me. He loves me. I kept saying these things to myself to calm me down, but it didn't seem to work out well for me.

I took in a deep heavy breath and cleared my throat. Chen looked my way with a concerned expression. He could sense something was off with me.

"What's wrong, babe?" The nickname made my heart leap and my cheeks heated up. I cleared my throat again and started to speak with a shaky voice.

"Um, I was just thinking that since SM gave us the rest of the day off, I thought if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I might've said everything way too fast 'cause Chen looked at me confused with a smile playing on his lips.

"What? Babe, can you repeat that please?" Chen chuckled still oblivious to what made me so nervous and shaky all of a sudden.

I took in a deep breath and just got to the point.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" My heart stopped for a second as I waited for Chen's answer. The anticipation slowly killing me.

Chen's face broke into a wide smile and he soon let out a giggle.

"That's what got you so worked up? Xiumin baby, of course I'd go on a date with you," Chen let out and gave me a tight hug. I stood still for a minute processing what Chen had just said and I began laughing feeling relief wash over me. I hugged him back and nuzzled my face into his neck.

"Thank you," I said and swayed us from side to side. Chen chuckled and I could feel him shaking his head against my neck.

He looked up at me with loving eyes.

"No need to say thank you. I'm yours. Forever, Xiumin. You shouldn't feel scared that I'd decline a date with you," he said and kissed me passionately. I relaxed at the feeling of his arms around my neck and his lips on mine. I kissed him back and loved swept trough my body. We stood there in the middle of our room, kissing for a few minutes before we pulled apart, still in each other's arms. I looked him deep into the eyes and sighed, feeling utterly content.

Broken // XiuChen Where stories live. Discover now