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Xiumin's POV

Waking up the next morning felt like I was still dreaming. Chen's back was pressed against my chest while my arms were tightly wrapped around his torso. My head was snuggled into his neck and his scent filled my nostrils, sending shivers of guilty pleasure through my body.

Chen whined and turned around wrapping his semi-muscular arms around my waist making me gasp for air. His head nuzzled itself into my neck heaving deep breaths. It was obvious that he was extremely content with this - being cuddled up against me, our legs tangled together.

Coming back to my senses I wrapped my arms even tighter around bringing him as close as possible to me. A huge grin started displaying on my face and my heart leaped in joy.

I've imagined this - Chen and I in this position - for nearly as long as I've known Chen, but it never really faced me that my dream would actually come true.

I checked the clock on the wall and I saw that it was only 6:00 am in the morning. I raised my eyebrows. This is too early! I said to myself and lied my head on top of Chen's once again before falling asleep once more, the smile still visible on my face.

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Next time I woke up was because of the alarm clock signalling to get up and get ready for another day. Chen whined and squirmed under my touch, the alarm waking him up a little bit. His back was once again pressed against my chest. I groaned and hugged Chen's soft body tighter into mine. He's so soft and wonderful. His skin has the same feeling like pillows, making you just want to cuddle him all the time. Our legs were tangled together, bringing our bodies closer together.

"Xiumin, you have to turn off the alarm," I heard Chen groggily whine. I huffed and reached out for it, turning it off with a slap and returned to hugging Chen.

Chen's POV

When I heard the alarm clock go off i whined and shuffled a bit in the bed. That's when I remembered that I lied in the same bed as Xiumin and that my body was pressed up against his while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso with his head nuzzled into my neck.

My cheeks started to burn and I felt a fluffy feeling flow through my body. The feeling only increased when I heard him groan and hugged me tighter into his body. I bit back a giggle. This is so nice.

I can't remember the last time Suho and I did this. We always hugged and kissed, yes, but as far as I can remember we never cuddled like this in bed. It's funny how I feel more loved when I'm with Xiumin than when I was with Suho.

The thought is Suho send unpleasant shivers down my spine and I felt my heart clenching and tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Why would he cheat on me? All I've ever done was love him and care for him. I've given him everything and then he goes and cheats on me.

How could he? After everything I've done for him. Why? Why??

That was the question that took over my brain.


Without knowing tears started to fall. My body shook a tiny bit as I tried my hardest to hold in my sobs. I don't understand. I don't understand anything.

The alarm clock continued beeping and I got irritated if it. I calmed myself down as much as I could before I spoke up.

"Xiumin, you have to turn off the alarm," I groggily said. Thank god it sounded groggy and not high pitched. He huffed, leaving his warm breath on my neck making me shiver, and turned off the alarm.

His arm once again came around my waist and I closed my eyes once again fighting my feelings.

"Good morning, Chenny," Xiumin mumbled against my neck.

"Good morning, Xiumin," I said, struggling to cover up for my tears and silent sobbing. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

"Chen?" I looked up slightly as I heard Xiumin shuffling in the bed behind. After a few seconds hovered over my shoulder and looked down at me. I quickly turned my head away. I didn't want him to see my tears. This was so pathetic. I hate crying.

I hummed a reply, not trusting my own voice.

"Chen, are you okay?" The worry in his voice was so thick you could take it and cut it. I wanted to sob so bad and get all of this horrible sadness out. I just want to get rid of it. This feeling is so unusual to me.

"Yeah, of course I'm fine," I said and tried to chuckle but failed horribly. Xiumin sighed.

"No. You definitely aren't," he touched my cheek. I fought back the huge urge to turn around and hug the life out of him. "Please, turn around."

I sighed and let go. I turned around and hugged him, crying into his chest. He was taken aback for a while, but soon recovered and hugged me, running a hand up and down my back.

"It's because of Suho isn't it?" His voice sounded dark. Like he was pissed off.

I let go of him and sat up, hugging my knees. Burying my head on my knees I felt Xiumin run his hand up and down my back.

"Sorry. For crying like a baby, I mean," I whispered. Xiumin huffed surprised.

"Are you kidding? You're my boy- hyung, I mean. I don't mind you letting out your feelings once in a while," I smiled into my knees.

"Thank you, hyung," I said gratefully, finally feeling better. "I feel better now."

He grinned. "That's what I want to hear," I grinned with him. What would I do without Xiumin hyung?

"C'mon. We have to get up and get ready to go to Japan!" Xiumin exclaimed giving my back a light slap.

"Yeah! Okay, c'mon!" I clapped my hands and we began getting ready to go.

When everything was packed and ready Tao, Luhan and Baekhyun came in and began exclaiming how excited they were for Japan. Even though we've been there before they're still acting like kids on Christmas. Xiumin and I looked at each other grinning to ourselves. He came over and gave one of those nice hugs from behind, the ones he gives me from time to time.

I felt comfort flooding through me and the thoughts of Suho disappeared for the time being.

When we had gotten all of our stuff down in the car I couldn't help but wonder.

What was it he was about to say?

• • •

Whoop whoop!! XiuChennnn again in this chapter. I can't help it now that I have the chance, finally!!

That picture always makes me all fuzzy inside :3

Hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you soon!!

Don't forget to vote and comment! :3

Lots of love for you, my honey bunches<33

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