What do I deserve?

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After my third class it was time to head over to the football field for practice. Basically it was just try outs to place people which they did every year. This was the worst part of playing on the football for several years is that each year you have to tryout and can either be kicked off the team or placed as a different position. I had no idea where I was going to be placed since this was the first official try out. I was only gauranteed a spot on the team because of my letter of recommendation from my high school coach. Now I had to earn my keep.

When I arrived at the foot ball field I was a few minutes early so I sat on the bleachers and watched those that were on the field. From the sounds and looks of it they were the cheerleading squad. They always caught my attention, not because of their looks but their talent.

I saw a few of the girls gaze over in my direction and quickly after their steps and cheering picked up as they seemed to be trying harder to look good, or maybe it was to try and impress me. This was pretty pathetic I thought. Any woman that needs to prove herself to grab a mans attention or even fight for it is going about things the wrong way. A real man isn't won by those extra bursts of effort but by who she is naturally.

I let my eyes scan the field and then soon enough a certain someone caught my attention. Standing in her cheerleading uniform at the end of the squadrant was Koti. Immeadiately a smile spread across my face. I moved along the bleachers to get closer to her and couldn't help but applaud for her and shout her name a bit. She saw me and faltered in her steps before she quickly jumped back in. I saw her blush a bit and chuckled to myself. After the routine was finished she came over to my side.

"You were watching me" she said with a bit of a smile.

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yeah I was. You are very good at what you do you know." I told her.

"Yeah I know, I was a gymnast and a dancer as a child and since they didn't have that in high school I tried for cheerleading and fell in love with it. It's like a mixture of both." She said back.

"It takes talent and not everyone has it." I said as I got to my feet. "I have football tryouts to see where I am being placed and then we can leave if you have nothing else to do." I said as I jumped over the railing that seperated the bleachers from the field.

"Do you mind if I sit here and watch you?" she asked me.

I ran my hand along my chin as I watched the other team members gathering and shook my head. "No not at all." I touched her shoulder briefly and then headed out to the field.

"Cullen, front and center" The coach shouted.

I ran the length to stand before him. "Yes coach." I called out in a firm voice.

"Sprint from here to the goal line across the field and then back. I want to see how well you hold up. Once you are finished you and Brayton are gonna pass the old pig skin back and forth as far as you can go and finally you are goin gto have to tackle JP." he finished.

"Simple enough Coach." I said before I took my position on the five yard line.

"That's what they all say Cullen, tell me that again once you finish." He blew his whistle and I took off running.

I hit the 25 yard line in five seconds and the fifty in 8. When I reached the 100 yard line it was 10 seconds and then I made my way back. 200 yards in 18 seconds. That was half the time of the fastest runner on the team, 36 seconds.

Next I had to throw the football. I didn't feel like taking the long way around since I already knew how far I could throw and decided to have Brayton go long to the field goal. With an effortless throw the football cleared 100 yards and landed right in his arms.

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