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It had been a couple of weeks since the the bully incident where Murdoc had fortunately saved Stuart from the situation he'd been in. Afterwards when they had escaped to the bar, the two had actually become quite good friends just by talking about different music artists and zombie films. Murdoc also found comfort in knowing they went to the same school.

The two didn't have many friends, with Stuart having an abnormal appearance with the blue hair, and Murdoc glaring at anyone who even looked his direction. But they had each other, and that was enough.

Surprisingly, Stuart had managed to keep his feelings in check when he was around Murdoc, as challenging of a task as it was. The more time he spent with Murdoc, the more he'd almost have a slip of the tongue and say something stupid. He really had to watch himself when it came to his feelings.

In a way, he almost felt like he was betraying Murdoc. The raven haired teen wanted nothing more than to be friends with Stuart while he had been seeing the other in a different light. The bluenette had fallen so hard for Murdoc he could barely contain himself at times.

Murdoc had an intimidating look to him, his voice was low and he always wore black. He often couldn't look at someone without glaring at them as well. But when he smiled or laughed, his dark brown eyes would light up to a beautiful mocha color and his warm smile would ignite a plethora of sparks within Stuart's chest. Whenever he was with Murdoc, it was like he was on Cloud 9 and wouldn't come down until the shorter teen left his side.

Little did he know, Murdoc had actually accumulated feelings of his own when it came to the bluenette. The bassist had never questioned his sexuality either, he always thought he was straighter than an arrow when it came to that kind of thing. However, he found the bluenette mesmerizing. Stuart was kind of a clumsy guy, always tripping over his long legs and stumbling through his words as if they were a jigsaw.

He was also easier than a book to read expression wise. He would wrinkle his nose in distaste, widen his eyes in surprise, stay silent if he was thinking or sad. Murdoc had learned quite a lot about him just by facial expressions alone. And although Stuart was clumsy, he also had a touch of gracefulness about him. The way he viewed people and the world around him. The way he'd just randomly pause to look at the sky, then proceed to tell Murdoc which shapes the clouds were forming. Or even the way Stuart viewed him. The bluenette had never asked about Murdoc's scars and bruises or complained about his kitsch personality.

Murdoc couldn't even begin to go into Stuart's looks. 

All he knew was that for the first time in his life, he had fallen in love with someone. 

Unfortunately, that someone happened to be a male. He wasn't upset with that, in fact, he could care less about the gender at this point. The problem was that it was Stuart who was most likely straight. 

Murdoc did recall on the day that he saved Stuart from the bullies, they had been calling him gay; but that was probably just a lame threat. One he himself had heard many times from his father, brother, and bullies alike.

But Stuart (as Murdoc had stated before) had looks. He was absolutely clueless when it came to it, but he was attractive. Tall with a slim figure, cobalt blue hair that made him stand out, and perfect matching crystal blue eyes that Murdoc couldn't seem to look away from. Even his toothless grin was adorable (at least in the raven haired teen's mind). He was handsome, and that's all there was to it.

Stuart could probably get any girl he wanted if he put his mind to it; but because he was so oblivious to his own charm, Murdoc figured it wouldn't happen anytime soon. He couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Even that one night when he ran into him at the bar the first time, he'd been waiting for a date hadn't he? Murdoc wondered what kind of bird would just no-show on the poor boy. The bassist had also been ditched that night and hadn't heard anything from the mystery person since, but somehow, that didn't surprise him.

Sure, it stung at first, but Stuart filled that void.

In a way, he guessed Stuart had saved him.

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