~ Epilogue (2/2): NSFW ~

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!Smut Warning!


Murdoc spent that night with Stuart celebrating his twentieth birthday. At one point, the two had made a quick run to his house to grab his bass, amp, and some clothing. He'd have to complete the rest of his moving when his father and brother weren't around. They probably wouldn't notice if he was gone anyway.

The two lovers spent most of their night together on the couch, watching some zombie movie Stuart had recommended. Murdoc wasn't exactly into it, but it made him happy to watch Stuart enjoy himself while being curled up on his lap.

When the film finally ended around one in the morning, Murdoc carried his sleepy lover to the bedroom and plopped him down on the fluffy mattress; climbing in soon after him.

Murdoc made sure to cover both his boyfriend and himself in the blankets to ensure they kept warm, then proceeded to plant a light kiss on Stuart's cheek.

However, he was shocked to find himself being tugged by the collar of his shirt back into another kiss. This time on the lips. He didn't complain as he returned the kiss with full force, slowly sneaking his serpentine-like tongue through the tooth gap to gain entrance to his lover's mouth.

Stuart couldn't tease, even if he wanted to. His mouth was an open gateway to Murdoc, but he didn't mind and instead opened his mouth wider to allow more of the bassist in. 

As their lips and tongues melded together in a fiery blaze of passion, Murdoc slowly snaked his hands down to his lover's hips, pulling him closer to himself. The shorter male found himself in shock as something slightly hard brushed against his leg.

Stuart blushed at contact but refused to break the kiss, wrapping his arms around the bassist's neck to pull him even closer to himself. 

When the two finally broke away, soft panting emitting from them both, Murdoc stared into his boyfriend's eyes. Instead of seeing disgust or regret like he expected (It had just become natural for him at that point in his life), Stuart's eyes were filled with a deep lust. The bluenette's lips slightly parted as if wishing Murdoc's long tongue were back down his mouth and his lower half only grew more needy as silent seconds ticked by.



"Are ya sure... ya want ta do this? We don't 'ave to if you're not ready."

"I want to, Mu'doc. I want you."

The older male felt himself suddenly growing restless and he pulled Stuart into another kiss. Their tongues mutually fought in a heated battle for dominance this time around. As Murdoc won over the kiss with only some difficulty, one of his hands that rested on Stuart's hip slowly moved to cup the growing hardness in the bluenette's jeans. 

Stuart squirmed at the sensation as a low moan escaped his needy lips. Murdoc pulled away for a brief second and began to run his hands under the taller male's shirt in attempts to get it off. Stuart graciously complied and lifted his arms to make it easier for his boyfriend.

As Murdoc threw the shirt off to the side, his eyes returned to the pale body lying beneath him. Stuart's pale, unmarked skin and light pink nipples nearly made him lose his sanity. 

"You're bloody gorgeous, Stu."

After the comment escaped his lips, Murdoc quickly went to attack his lover's collarbone, not giving Stuart a chance to reply to the endearing sentence. 

Another, more needy, moan came from Stuart as Murdoc began to leave a small trail of hickeys on his neck and rub his now fully-sprouted hard on through his tight jeans. Stuart bucked his hips up against the hand, eager for more contact.

The act made Murdoc grin as he began removing the jeans of his partner in one swift motion, leaving Stuart clad in only his navy blue boxers while he had still yet to remove an article of his clothing. The bluenette frowned at that but was unable to voice his complaint as Murdoc went right back to attacking his chest.

Stuart watched intently as Murdoc trailed down his chest and to the rim of his underwear, leaving small, dark love bites in his wake. His pale fingers slowly trailed up Murdoc's back and into his greasy mop top as he watched his lover begin to tug his boxer's down.

Murdoc released Stuart's throbbing erection from the confines of his underwear, admiring it's length and thickness. As far as blowjobs went, the raven haired bassist had received a few in his earlier years of high school (long before Stuart came into the picture) from really desperate birds, some claiming they wanted to practice for their boyfriends. But as far as giving them went, he had absolutely no experience. 

All he knew was that he wanted to make Stuart feel good.

A silent 'thank you' on his behalf, he guessed.

Stuart quirked an eyebrow at his lover, unaware of his intentions. However, as soon as Murdoc's lips encased the head of his erect member, an elongated moan escaped from his mouth as he accidentally bucked his hips against Murdoc.

Murdoc gagged and moaned against Stuart's cock, but kept his mouth firmly planted, almost able to take his full length in. More moans fell from the bluenette's mouth as Murdoc began putting that expert tongue of his to work; sliding it against the bottom of his shaft, encircling the tip, and even taking care of the parts Murdoc couldn't reach with his mouth. If Stuart didn't know better, he would have guessed that Murdoc did this kind of thing on a regular basis. He was incredible.

Stuart was unable to stop as he bucked his hips against Murdoc's mouth once more, feeling something well up in the pit of his stomach, ready to be released.

One of Murdoc's hands grabbed onto Stuart's hip so he could take more of the bluenette in his mouth while the other snaked down his own trousers so he could release at the same time as his lover.

Stuart let out a final fervent moan as Murdoc finally pushed him over edge.

"M-Muds! I-I'm gonna-!"

The bluenette tried to pull up on his lover's head to keep him from taking in his cum, but Murdoc was persistent and only worked harder.

Stuart quickly released into his lover's mouth as Murdoc himself released on the black bed sheets and swallowed the cum of the bluenette.

Stuart sheepishly covered himself up with the bed sheets, hiding his completely red-covered face as Murdoc crawled next to him. 

"Thanks for the birthday present, luv."

Stuart peaked out from under the covers to be met with the deep brown eyes of his boyfriend.

"W-Wha' do ya mean-"

Murdoc cut him off with a quick peck on the lips then ruffled his already messy hair.

"Nothin'. G'night Stupot."

~ The End ~

(More 2Doc on the way)

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