london ; part 1

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in which topanga decided to accept the job offer and the matthews would be moving to london.


"What?" I couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Riley. I'm sorry. I know your friends, your education, everything here is all that you've wanted. But think about it. You'll get to meet new friends and also stay in contact with Maya, Farkle, and Lucas! You'll get to see a part of the world you've never been able to before! For free! It took a long while for me to decide, but I hope this is the right decision for you. For everyone," Mum told me, patting my shoulders.

"Topanga, whatever it is, we will support you. I know it's been a tough choice for you, but we are going to accept whatever you have decided on. So I guess we're going to London," Dad said assuringly, hugging Mum.

"So... so when are w- we going...?" I struggled to say as tears streamed down my face and I held onto Auggie's hand.

"In two days' time."

"B- but that's not enough time!" I said, thinking about all the things we have to do before I leave my friends. Possibly forever.

"Yea, Mum! I have my teacher, classmates and my wife to say goodbye to!" Auggie frowned.

Even at this intense moment, even through my tears, we managed to let out a soft giggle. "I'm sure Ava will be able to say a goodbye before you go in two days, Auggie. I'm sorry, guys, but we have to go in two days. I wouldn't want it to be so quick, but it has to be."

"I guess... we really are leaving, huh?" I sniffled.

"I'm sorry, darling," Mum said as she hugged Auggie and I together tightly, with Dad joining in afterwards.


We'd been crying for the past hour. When I told Maya about the news, she broke down almost immediately. Seeing her so heartbroken killed me on the inside.

"Maya... I want to stay. I want to be here, to graduate high school with you guys. To see us going to the same college together. To spend my life here, with you. I don't want to leave, but I have to," I took her hands in mine and said.

"I know. I don't want you to leave, too. Literally, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You were the sunshine in my life. You let me in, and I let you in. I will never, ever find enough words to express how thankful I am to you and how much you mean to me, honey," Maya struggled to say as tears flowed down her face.

I hugged her with all my might, saying, "Don't cry, peaches. Please. I love you. This isn't the end of Riley and Maya. It never will be!" I exclaimed as I pulled away and held her by the shoulders. "Today is Friday, and I'm only leaving on Sunday. We have time to do everything we've ever wanted to!"

She sniffled, then wiped her tears away. "Alright! Let's go plan. We're gonna have a wiiiiiildass party tomorrow!"


"Just a party for the six of us. Isn't this great?" Lucas said from opposite me.

"Pathetic, but yes! Finally we get to spend time together, have fun together. We haven't done this in ages and we aren't getting any younger!" Farkle, who was sitting on my left, chuckled.

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