Chapter 2

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Sorry for the late update
Here comes the second chapter please enjoy......

Chandra's POV

After I reached my palace I feel like something is missing from me or like am anxious about something.
Chandra was thinking while laying on his bed.

That little princess had occupied most of his mind.
While returning to palace Chandra thought that is it really okay to marry a princess of enemy country.
He thought maybe it's just an attraction towards her, cos she a beautiful woman.

Few days later

Okay one thing is clear it's not just attraction, what happened to me, am I ill or something.

I keep missing her as if I want to see her, I want to talk to her, I want her to stay by my side.

I even asked the imperial doctors to check me but they were saying it's not dangerous to your health, but then the wife of that head imperial doctor said maybe I'm in love.

Okay there's no way she could say something so easy, just by knowing the issues.
Doesn't that makes it as symptoms and symptoms are of disease. Did she mean I have some disease?....

Few days later

Okay this time has not helped at all I keep dreaming about her and me talking,I get feelings to go and meet her but acharya (it means teacher and Chandra refers to Chanakya) doesn't allows me to go out of the palace these days.

I didn't told acharya about my feelings, what if he thinks I'm no more serious about my work and kingdom?

I better start writing letters to Princess Helena to know her feelings about me as Chandragupt Maurya.

That would be perfect.

Helena's POV


Just because I spilled some wine on my elder sister's dress I got punishment by not allowed to step out of the palace.

Still it's ok I guess it's too hot outside..

What the hell......

Is that an eagle ?
Is it a messanger bird ??
But who sends it to whom ???
I always wondered how did the bird know where and to whom to deliver the message ????
Oh dear why is it coming towards my window ?????

"Guards catch that eagle before it reaches me"

I have a history with eagle which is a bad memory, that's why I don't like eagles.

"Princess it's a messenger eagle" an guard said to me.

"Ok but for whom is that message for?" I asked

"Princess it says Little Princess Helena"

"What ? For me ?? Uhh, ok shu-shu... Guards send the eagle away".
I tried to send the eagle away but it seems not affected....

"Princess I think this eagle is waiting for your reply " said one of my attendant/maid.

"What reply and to whom?" I couldn't understand what she mean .

"Princess I mean read the letter and you will come to know who send this message to you and I suggest you should reply to that letter" my maid said that.
I couldn't understand what am I suppose to do.

"Ok let me read the letter "

"Greetings Princess Helena

LOVE for each other (Chandra x Helena)Where stories live. Discover now