Chapter 24

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DeAnna Kastell

"I'm so sick of people commenting on how strong I am," I complained to X as we walked to my car.

"They just don't know what else to say to you sweetheart, forgive them, for they do not know what they do," he told me and that one was easy.

"Luke, 23:34, I may be a very bad catholic but I know my bible verses," I told him, being a little smug.

"So did you and Frank really give Harry Castello Minestrone?" He asked me and I nodded, "because I think he's going into withdrawals from the best comfort soup in the known world," he informed me and it was really good soup.

"Yeah and its a family recipe so he's not getting it," I told him and unlocked my car. I had driven in early this morning so I could pick up Jessie and Will, and X had gone for Harry, like the good friends we are, so we didn't get the morning drive together.

"So when are you free for you to watch me paint over Skype?" I asked him.

"I have to meet with my parole officer and Detectives Kastell and Fletch as well as an ADA, so probably after my curfew," he told me and I recognised the name Fletch. He was on the gangs unit in the NYPD, on the task force linked to the Kings.

"Isn't it a little suspicious that Fletch is coming down from New York?" I asked him, knowing that it was suspicious.

"Yeah but they need some information for warrants and to prep me for trial," he told me, "they're actually starting to take apart the Kings and people are going to do real time for this," he told me and that was true with some of the shit Kings members have done.

"Doesn't mean you're going to be safe," I countered, "please X, if it gets too close to them working out who's ratting on them, just stop," I told him and I didn't know if he would.

"Aron doesn't know that I turned state's," X told me, "he called me to ask if the cops had anything on me, crimes I hadn't be arrested for," he said and I went to hit him for picking up a call from Aron but his reflexes were quicker than mine so he caught my wrist before my hand made contact with his muscled arm.

"The ADA said I should take his call and tell him they've been trying to but they hadn't been able to make things stick because they couldn't find any witnesses or physical evidence," X explained to me and kissed my forehead. "I'm actually a pretty smart criminal, Dea, and I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think I could convince the Kings that I'd just made the decision to retire for college not that I'd turned on them," he pointed out to me quietly and I sighed in response.

"Just don't do anything stupid," I told him, "I mean like stupid stupid, not like stupid smart or stupid brave," I added and he gave me a look.

"I'm the only one allowed to be stupid smart in this relationship, X, you just have to settle with being smart," I reminded him and I saw Sarah with Trina.

"So when are you forgiving her?" He asked me and I looked back at him, "I know you, Dea, and I know you'll forgive her eventually," he said and pushed my hair back behind my ears.

"I'm just going to let her stew a little longer then I'll try to make nice with her," I told him, "just Skype me after, okay?" I checked with him and he kissed my forehead.

"I will Skype you when I get back and watch you paint almost like we used to," he told me and I couldn't wait for his parole to be over but I knew that there was going to be some serious time on it whilst he was helping them prosecute the kings then he might be put in WitSec but I feel like they would have already done that if he was going to be put in the programme.

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