The Esport's Life

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"Sigh..." You released as you finished another winning game of League Of Legends. Another day of being cooped up in a stuffy New York penthouse eating take-out and training for the next Esports game.

Sometimes, you why did you ever get involved in all of this. For some reason, you never understood why people found League Of Legends so difficult!

You said it yourself a press conference when they were interviewing you. "It's just a point and click game with a few cool animations."

Everyone was a little shocked, but the controversy blew over and it got boring again. The game, in your perspective, was too easy. It doesn't give you any highs. Even at Esport's games.

Speaking of Esport's, you were one of the most famous, top-tier teams, the Shadow Nights. [Not a real team.]

You were recruited into that team after you made it into Diamond 3, on the pre-trials before going into ranked games. How this happened was simple.

Riot Games has a little secret... [Once again, not real.]

What Riot Games do is that they monitor every gamer that does the pre-ranked games to see if they qualify for a high division and if they do, Riot notifies all of Esport's teams that this so-called player has potential.

The Esport teams that want to try a new player will send him a private letter, telling him/her will be trying out for Esports by playing a normal ranked game along them. Skype/Discord information is provided.

This basically, is the one shot you get to join an Esport's team. You play one game alongside them, and the team watches you, how you play, what you do in bad situations, and if you are resourceful with your in game CS money.

If they like what they see, they'll send you plane tickets and a written down address to tour their headquarters. Usually then they ask you if want to be part of their team as a Rookie first, and then you become an official Esport's player.

Of course, that means you must give up your other dreams, finish up to only Secondary/High school education and only live in the country of the Esport's team with the other members in a penthouse. Who knows how your parents will take that. At least you get to vist them once or twice a year. And you get paid. A lot.

So what about yourself and 'being the best in the world?' are basically a God at this game. You've only lost a few games ever, you carry the best team in Esport's, you have millions of fans, not to mention the millions you earn in money, and the best part....

You don't even care. To you, it's just a 'fun point and click game. '
The community was shocked that you could be so laid back about what people find so hard. Everybody says you must be gifted, but some jealous haters try to tatter your image. It never works though,

They are still waiting for you to lose a game...

You laugh your ass off when people ask if you are a Diamond Smurf every normal ranked or non-ranked game.

Then they see your username... DivineTrinity12 [That's my name, add me.] and the room goes apeshit.

You get bombarded with fan girls and boys chanting you, and your team's name in All-chat and the enemy surrenders. So now sometimes you use a second account to fly under the radar.

Also you decline a million friend requests except other Esport's players. But you always kept your childhood friends one, and enjoyed playing with him.

Your collection of champions was boundless, from Thresh to Teemo. You only use that little evil Yordle for critical Esport's games to send your opponents to hell.

But your main was Ahri, and you usually used her pop star skin, because simply, it was cool. You weren't like those creeps of the LoL community who constantly made nasty-ass hentai to ruin the characters.

You'd rather stick to normal porn. But you have lost your virginity, you're 24 years old. The GF's back home though, can't get in the way of your Esport's, the big assed and boobed lady is too much of a distraction.

Also your fellow players would make googly eyes at her.

Since you joined the Esport's scene, your teammates had become your best friends. You guys always had each other's back.

There were five of you.

1. Marco AKA (TheVanquisher68)
He was a little crazy at times, but was the optimistic supporting person that cheered everyone up.
Age: 27
Position: Jungle

2. Fionn AKA (FreshPrince236)
Fionn was the peacemaker of the team, even though it was rare you guys got in arguments. He made everyone chill.
Age: 18
Position: Top

3. Sarah AKA (LAD.YgameR)
The veteran female of the team. She was a little bit edgy but fun to be around and when things got boring. She had a bashful attitude and made for an awesome teammate.
Age: 36
Position: Mid

4. Judy AKA (BadJuju)
The newest and youngest member of the team. The Rookie
female of the team was a little childish at times but a fantastic player. She joined 11 months ago when their past player, James AKA (DuffHom€r) retired at the age of 31 to chase a college education and become a Engineer. You also took her under your wing since you the second newest and she happily became your support.
Age: 17
Position: Support

5. You AKA (DivineTrinity12)
You were the prodigy of the team that everyone looked up to. The player everyone could rely on in a bad situation. But when off the Rift, you were the friendliest player to be around. You the team's comedian too, always making everyone laugh. As one of the smartest of team, you came up with the game winning tactics that made everyone confident.

You have been with the team for two years, and earned the position of captain, and had the pride of wearing an armband over your team's colours (Black and Purple) that signified you the captain. You also wore a nice cap.
Age: 24
Position: ADC

So that was your life up until now...It was going to be Valentine's Day tomorrow, and the Esport's season was yet to start. Life was boring.

You just didn't know about the events that would change your life radically.

Happy Valentine's (*18+*) (Ahri x Male Summoner LoL)Where stories live. Discover now