My Demonic Beauty (2)

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Jack Frost


His body breaks through the ice, oxygen rushes into his lungs. He opens his eye, taking in gulps full of air. His breath, cold and visible, slowed as his feet touched the frozen lake, all the cracks gone, as if it never broke.

His name is Jack Frost. For three hundred years, his body has been frozen in the lake, waiting until the right time for him to be awaken. No one knows of him, only myths and legends of the boy with ice who will either save or destroy them all. 

He didn't know all of that. The only thing he knew was his name. How did he know that? The Man in the Moon told him.

The air was cold and thick as Jack breathed in and out. His crystal eyes darted around, scanning his surroundings. He was in a forest, but how did he know that?

Near him lays a wooden stick, the end bent to form the letter G. Jack eyes the stick, then cautiously walks over to it. He takes it in his hands, running his fingers around it. He narrows his eyes at it, then aims it at a tree. Ice shoots from the stick and hits the tree. It crystallizes around the tree, creating beautiful patterns of ice and swirls.

He drops the stick then looks at his hands. How did he do that?

His breath quickens as he looks back up at the tree, each breath a visible white cloud. Jack leans down and wraps his fingers around the stick, then slowly walks over to another tree. He taps the end of the stick against the tree to see the ice pattern again.

"Frost," He whispers.

A smile makes it's way onto his face. A happy feeling fills his body and he taps another tree, seeing the frost creep it's way into the bark.

Jack, out of pure joy, jumps up. He expects to land safely on the ground, instead the winds raise him into the sky. He flaps his arms and legs around, trying to control himself. The winds push him forward like a bullet. Jack laughs as his snow white hair is flown back, and he speeds forward.

Jack hits a tree. He loses the wind and falls, catching a branch as he does so. He wraps his legs around a branch and hoists himself up, grabbing another branch to pull his torso up. He looks to his left to see a small village in complete darkness. A few houses have light inside, but other than that, no light whatsoever.

Jack loses his grip and falls into the snow, his staff falling after. He stands up and brushes the snow from his hair, grabbing his staff, and walks toward the village.

It feels like a ghost town, quiet and eerie. Instantly, Jack doesn't like this place. He wants to run away, to get away from the darkness and into the light, but he doesn't. He fights his urge to run and ventures deeper into the village, where a house of light stands.

Once he reaches the house, he peeks through a window. Inside, a girl and a few men stand at a table, yelling at eachother about God knows what. They are all in armor, and a few knifes and helmets rest on the table. The girl, who yells the loudest, slams her finger on a map. Jack struggles to see it.

The men all yell back, a few shaking their heads. Jack wonders why they're yelling, and why the village is covered in darkness. He wonders for too many things, but now is not the time to wonder.

They all continue to yell, well, not all of them. A boy, probably the youngest of all of them, sits in a chair away from the group. He looks bored as he listens to the argument, as if he's heard it before. He sighs and looks out the window, directly at Jack, straight into his eyes. The boy sits up in his seat, his eyes growing. Jack curses and ducks.

The yelling stops. Only one voice is heard, and Jack guesses it's the boy's. He can only hear mumbling. Jack strains his ears as much as he can until he hears, "-outside."

Jack's eyes widen. He told them, obviously. Jack probably saw something he wasn't supposed to. He has to leave, now.

Jack quickly stands, only he's too late. The door of the house opens.

"Hey, stop!"

Jack does as he's told, gripping his staff. If he has to fight, he will. Anything to get away.

"Turn around."

Jack curses again and slowly faces the demanding voice. It's the girl from inside. Jack only saw the back of her head. Her face is beautiful.

Her grey eyes stare intensely at Jack as she looks him up and down. The girl resembles the boy, and Jack wonders if their related. Her eyes rest on his.

"Who are you?" She asks once again in a stern, demanding voice.

"My name is Jack Frost," He replies slowly.

"Liar!" She says, almost instantly after him, as if she knew he was going to say something wrong.

"No, my name is Jack Frost."

"How do you know?" She asks, pulling out a sword.

"The Man in the Moon," Jack points up at the bright night sky. "He told me."

The girl hesitates. Did Jack say something wrong? She looks away from him and looks at her sword. She mutters something Jack can't hear. As she does this, Jack wonders if he can advance on her. He could easily fly away with the wind, or attack with his ice. Or he could wait and possibly be killed.

She looks back at his eyes. "Prove you're Jack Frost."

Jack gives her a confused look. Prove? How was he to prove to a random girl who he was?

"What do yo-"

"Just prove yourself!" She yells.

Jack has had enough of her demands. He takes his staff in hand. He inhales, digging his feet into the snow around him. With his hand gripped tight around the staff, he swings it across his chest. He exhales, then swings it back in full force, blasting the girl back. She falls into the snow, with the snow Jack blasted at her, resting on her.

Jack thought he would've made a heroic pose, acting all tough. Instead, he holds his staff with two hands and he waits for her reaction.

She sits up, brushing and spitting snow away. She looks up at Jack as the door of the house opens up and the men look out.

"You," the girl says. "You're our Savior."


A Few Years Later...

Jack Frost



A loud bang wakes me. I bolt up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. What the hell is going on? I swing my legs over the bed and pull a shirt on. I slip my cloak on and rush out the door.

I blink at the sun. Why is the sun out in winter? I wish I could make the clouds block it.

In the center, the villagers are gathered around the thrones to the King and Princess. And next to the thrones are the torturing chambers.

I dash down the hill and make my way through the crowd. I end up next to Willow, the girl who I blasted with snow when I first met her. She looks straight ahead and I follow her gaze.

Kaden's head is placed against the wood with a gag in his mouth. He struggles against the men's hold on him. I see another man bring a huge axe over. I start to run out, but Willow grips my arm, pulling me back. She buries her head in my shoulder as the axe comes down.

The King stands up with a smile on his face. He beckons the Princess to follow. I glare at them. They are both evil, both wicked. Both monsters.

As they leave, the town center clears out. Willow doesn't look at Kaden, and I don't either. We both begin to walk separate ways, but Willow grabs my arm again. She leans close to my ear and whispers, "It starts tonight."

My Demonic Beauty (Jackunzel) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now