chapter 18

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~Sydney' pov~

I feel my necklace slide to the side of my neck. My necklace.. omg ross! I press the button next to my bed.

What happened? Wheres ross? Why and how did I get shot?

A nurse walks in "whats the problem?"

"why am I here?"

"you got shot at a party yesterday night"

"where are my friends?"

"im sorry to say but I don't know if they made it out"

"h-how do you mean?"

"uhm well.... there where 6 dead body's found"

I start to tear up thinking about my rossy dead and riker, rydel, rocky, ryland.

"do you know the names from the people?"

"no im sorry"

"oh okay well thank you"

She smiles and walks out again. i stare at the ceiling and fall asleep again.

*Sydney' dream*

Im dancing with ross and riker being drunk. We made out a couple of times with the 3 of us. then we hear gunshots and people freaking out and running everywhere.

"we should go" rocky says running towards us dragging rydel after him.bHe runs out the house with rydel. Ross and try to reach to door too but then I hear 3 shots and I fall down. I hear another shot and see ross falling down and getting dragged away by his feet. Then I pass out.

*end of the dream*

I shoot up again taking a deep breath. The pain in my shoulder is still there but a bit less. I see im in another room but everything I see Is blurry. I see someone with somewhat longer brown hair standing next to my bed.

"Sydney?" the voice sounds really familiar "Sydney its me rocky"

"rocky!" I yell.

My vision is fine again so I can see him and I smile "your okay"

"yes I am and rydel and ryland are too" he says sitting down on my bed.

"what about riker and ross?"

"they haven't found them yet" he looks down "and nobody knows if their dead"

I sit straight up and look at rocky with tears in my eyes "their lost?"

Rocky nodds "now we have to cancel the tour well I rather have ross and riker back then go on a tour"

"me too" I say.

~Ross' pov~

I wake up by some dude hitting my in my face. I cough and spit out some blood.

Im tied up on a chair in a dark room with only a few lights on.

"what do you want from me?"

"we want our money" the guy says.

"money? For what?"

He slaps me again "you know what im talking about!"

"no I really don't just let me go!"

"you have to pay before we let you go"

"alright how much?"

"1 million dollars"

"WHAT?!?! ï don't even know for what!"

He punches me in the face with his fist making me spit out some blood again "the dugs"

"drugs? I didn't bought drugs"

"give us the money or you wont see you brother ever again"

Someone opens the door and pushes riker inside letting him fall down on his knees. The guy grabs a gun out his pocket and holds it against rikers head.

"no! please don't! I will give you your money if I get my brother"

"good decision boy" he keeps the gun away from rikers head and places it on mine "you have 48 hours"

"o-okay just don't hurt him him"

"bring it to the dark alley next to the swimming pool in exactly 2 days at 9pm or we shoot you brother"

"okay okay okay!"

"ross don't do it!" riker yells and he gets slapped in his face really hard. I look shocked at him and he looks back. His face is covered with blood and I see the fear in his eyes. a guy drags him back out and I hear a scream.

"riker!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

"he's fine" the one guy says and cuts the rope and pushes me to the back door "now go and get us our money we'll see you in 2 days 9pm exactly"

He pushes me out the door and I start running. I keep running until Im out of breath. I sit down on a bench in a park I've never been before.

Great, now im covered with blood. Lost and if I don't get 1 million dollar in 2 days the kill my brother! Everything is going perfect, not

~Riker' pov~

"shut up!" I hear and a girl got pushed into the room I was in.

She crawled against the wall and cried as the door closed. I was just looking at her for about 2 minutes.

Why would she be here?

"h-hey" I say and she looks up at me.


"are you okay?"

She probably wont but I only want to make a conversation with her.

"n-not really you?" she says scared.

"same" I smile trying to make her comfortable.

She smiles back and looks down again.

"whats your name?" I ask.


"nice to meet you im riker"

I slide closer to her and put out my hand. She looks at me but then shakes my hand giving me a quick little smile.

"why are you here?" she suddenly asks.

"I don't know someone throwed me in a room and my brother was there and they were talking about money and you?"

"oh im just one of the uhm girls who work for them"

"and than they treat you like this?"

She nods her head.

"okay if my brother gets me out of here I'll take you with me"

"would you really want to risk your life for that?"

"we'll figure something out I would never let you stay here"

"that's really sweet riker.. Right?"

I nodd

"but you shouldn't do that it could get you killed"

"I survived a party with people shooting at each other I'll probably survive that"

"just don't I'll be fine here"

Suddenly a guy walks in and drags me out.

"what you going to do with me?!" I yell.

"just shut up!" he yells back and punches me.


Yea... Thats exiting right?! What do you think is gonna happen? Would ross pay?

Soo 4 votes (or fav on twitter @lynchrossfan) for a new chapter!?

Since 5 is to much and a comment too... Thanks for that btw i feel so loved...

Anyway! Please follow me on instagram @r5dontpassmeby !!! Tell me that you followed me bcause of this and you'll get a follow back ;p

~~ Nerissa lynch

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