chapter two

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 " I need to go talk to your father go to the room and get ready for training." soul told her as he got up and walked away. soul walked down the giant hall and stopped as he approached the door to spirits office. taking a deep breath soul walked in side." sir you wanted to talk to me?" soul asked him." ah yes I did. now that we have this inconvenience you put us in you cant go on any missions. im wont risk my only daughters life because of your stupidity."  spirit told soul. soul was shocked he could no long do what he was raised to do. "but sir I am the best assassin here. you raised me to one day lead this family i cant just stop killing the contracts." spirit only shrugged at souls words '' you should have thought about that before you did the link. kid will you come in here please." he said look at the door." yes sir what is it?'' "you will take souls place. he is occupied at the moment and will no long go on contracts." kid bows at his words and smirks at soul. " what you smirking at zebra?'' soul asked kid. " who you calling zebra?'' soul looks around the room and then points at kid. "you." kid goes to punch him. soul grabs his hand and twists his arm behind his back." I wouldn't do that if I were you. wouldn't want to mess up your new possession, would we?"  " what are you talking about?" kid asks confused.  " oh well you don't know. if you hurt me you hurt maka and I don't think spirt would like that." soul says letting go of kid and look at spirt."he has a point. if you hurt soul you will be banished." spirt says.  soul walk out of the room leaving spirt and the new heir to the family. 'im tired of this family we need to go.' soul thought as he ran to maka. bursting though the door he finds maka on the bed waiting for him to return. soul starts to gather all of this weapons and charms. maka watched soul in confusion. ''soul what are you doing?'' she asked. soul looked up from the trunk he was digging in." maka we are leaving now." he said walking torts her all the stuff he need in his bag. soul waves his hands  and a portal shows it self out of thin air. ''ladies first." maka stepped though the portal to end up at a huge house. "soul this is my castle what are we doing here?" she turns around and there's no soul or portal. maka started to panic. "oh no did he get caught? he could die from this." she said out loud sinking to the floor and holding her head. the same question went through maka head ' where are you soul?' and as if it was magic she was brought to him. she found him in the room passed out on the floor. "soul!'' she screamed. she ran to him and hugged his unconscious body. soul started to open his eyes. feeling better now that she was so close. "what were you thinking?" she asked him. "I was sending you some where far from me so I would die quicker and they wouldn't find you." he said giving her a weak smirk."don't do that. if you were dead then who would protect me?'' she asks with a little laugh. " we need to go now I sence their coming." he says she blinks and suddenly they are in a knew place. it looks like the manor he first brought her to. "soul where are we?''  "where in the secret room in the basement that only I can open. we're safe here for now. I need a minute to gain my strength back and it will go quicker if you don't leave my side." maka just nodded. they sat there not talking or anything just waiting till they could go some where. after an hour or so you could hear people making noise in the basement. then a voice she new called out. "come on soul I now your behind that secret door. come out and give maka to us and while your doing that maka be a good girl and sever his servant connection." maka pondered for a moment.' who could this possible be?' she thought then it hit her like a brick wall. it was kid.  " I wont do that if it risks his life." maka yelled at him through the wall standing up ready to fight. " ah maka your okay but you will need to sever that connection spell so we can kill him for going against the family." kid said once again. maka just shock her head. "no!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs suddenly bursting into flames. She moves her hand to the direction of the wall and the wall collapse in flames leaving a very shocked kid standing there. "well if its a fight you want its a fight you'll get." maka said suddenly running torts him. kid didn't know what to do she was obviously stronger then him. kid made a portal and went back to the family. he was not quick enough though maka though a fire ball at him and it burned him bad. maka smirked at what she just did. she extends her arms and creates a fire barrier. the flame disappears as she sees soul at the back of the room eyes wide and shocked. "you okay?" she asks him with the sweetest smile on her face and soul just nods.

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