chapter 3

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soul and maka sat in his basement where the secret room was. soul had passed out and laid in makas lap. maka sat there happy that he was still breathing. she was smiling at him and playing with his snow white hair. " what where you thinking?" she asked him not excepting an answer. " well at what point in time?" he asks her and she jumps in surprise. he laughs a little. "maka where did you get that kind of power? never seen any thing like it." soul told her. maka thought on his question for awhile. "I don't know I have never been able to do that before. I just wanted to protect you from kid and I got angry, then fire started to come out of my arms and I broke the wall that protected us. the look on his face was of pure terror. I shot the fire ball as he was disappearing and I think I hit him but I am unsure." she tells him." what if your a witch? an elemental witch maybe I don't know." soul tells her. soul stands up and starts to walk where the wall use to stand. "I know who we can talk to, to figure this whole thing out." he says turning to her." well then lets go." maka tells him. he holds out his hand to her. "my lady?" he asks."my pleasure." she tells him as she takes his hand. soul opens up a portal and steps through squeezing makas hand. seconds later they appear in a forest."where are we?" maka asked the boy next to her." we are in a place where my friend blair lives and she can help decide if your a witch or not." he tells her dragging her along. the two come across this house in the shape of a pumpkin. soul reassuringly squeezed makas hand as he knocked. after a minute or two the door flys open to revile a big breasted woman with purple hair and nothing but a towel on. "souly!" she yells as she wraps him in her breasts. maka felt a jealous rage build up and somewhat go down as she let him go. "maka this is blair. blair, maka." as soul introduced them blair gave maka a hug as well. " blair get clothes on we have things to discuss." soul said. maka and soul moved to the couch that sat in the living room as blair went down a hall. " soul who is blair?" maka asked. "blair is a good friend who happens to be a witch." he reply's."oh souly you consider me your friend. thank you." the women said. she sat on the table in front of them and this time she wore a black dress with really long sleeves and really tall boots along with a really tall witch hat. " okay now for what do i oh the pleasure soul?" blair asks. "well maka has done some cool fire magic and we were wondering if you could tell us if shes a witch?"soul asked her.  "oh well shes not a witch like me she posses more like the magic a god would have. its weird  if she is a witch, her power could take on the queen of all witches." blair tells the two as they stare in shock. " okay then now that this is some how settled what do we do?"maka asked soul. "well we could stay the night and then go see your mother at the thieves place."soul suggested . "its fine with me." blair said. "okay then its settled we stay here for the night." maka said "well i only got one extra room. souly you can come sleep with me in my bed."blair tells him and sparks makas jealousy. "oh he can sleep in my bed with me."maka said pulling on his arm. "come on soul you know you want to come with me."blair said."no i cant if my master says i cant."he says. blair gets a pouty face on and stands up."well the room is to the left in the hall."she told the teens who sat there.soul grabbed her hand and dragged her to the room. she let go and went in as soul held the door. maka went strait for the bed. "well someone got jealous." soul teased. " i dont know what your talking about." maka said turning away from him."so your not jealous ?"soul asked "nope not even a little." maka told him. "good then im going to go with her."soul told maka and started to walk away from her side. maka reached over and grabed his arm."dont leave me." maka said. soul turned to her and patted  her head."wouldnt dream of it."he told her. she hugged him"i need something to sleep in." maka said. soul tore off his shirt and handed it to her. he turned around and waited. when maka was done disrobing and she put on souls shirt she hugged him from behind . as maka let soul go she layed down on the bed. soul took off his jeans as he walked to the other side and laid next to her."small bed" maka commented. "yup but that means im  closer to you."soul said with a lite chuckle. maka rolls over to where she is straddling souls waist. "what are you doing?"soul asked the girl that is sitting on top of him. she leans down and gives him a quick kiss before getting off to but her back to him. soul smiled and put his arms around her and brought her to him. maka turned and buried her face into his bare chest. "good night maka. tomorrow we meet your mother." soul said before drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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