Dan - Present

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"Phil, do you trust me?" The young boy's brown eyes were shining with fear and concern. He couldn't gauge what his friend's reaction would be, but if the silence was anything to go by, Dan was losing hope. He opened his mouth to talk before Phil beat him to it.

"Of course, Dan."


Getting shoved into the dimly lit room, Dan shook his handcuffed wrists, face and limbs already littered with cuts. His hair was matted and messy, starting to curl at the ends from sweat. Despite his tattered appearance, he smirked under his fringe and looked up at the head officer. The one that shoved him into the room took his place behind Dan, gripping his arm tightly, as if in warning.

"I should kill you right now," the head officer hissed, eyes blazing. Dan scoffed.

"Then why don't you?" he challenged, letting out a grunt when the officer behind him delivered a swift kick to his shin, directly on a developing bruise. He decided to keep his mouth shut for a few moments, if only to humor the two men in the room with him. Truthfully, he ached all over and wanted to go back to his cell. The sooner this was over with, the better.

"I can't do anything without the judge's consent. Though I'd love to get rid of you myself." Dan refrained from rolling his eyes, though he couldn't stop a dark chuckle from escaping his cracked lips.

"Tough luck," he retorted. "I'd love to die right here, right now." The head officers scowl turned into a menacing grin.

"Maybe if I shoot you right now, I could pass it off as an accident. Nobody would miss you," the officer mused, but Dan felt a pang in his chest. He swallowed the sudden lump as he thought back to the person he'd said goodbye to.

"Nobody would miss me," he repeated quietly, as if trying to convince himself more than the man before him. The officer noticed the new tone in his voice and promptly barked out orders.

"Take him to his cell. If he tries anything, kill him anyway." Dan's ears perked up at the instruction, before a dangerous thought came to mind. He carefully kept a poker face on, nodding to the head officer before being dragged unceremoniously towards his cell by the officer who had been behind him. He just let himself be dragged, not able to muster enough strength to get up and walk himself. Dan felt his eyes slowly begin to sink, before he was thrown into his cell. The officer locked the door, making sure to check that it was locked, before taking his place beside the door.

Dan sighed, managing to pick himself up and make his way to the bed. He fell down upon it, the orders from the head officer echoing in his mind.

If he tries anything, kill him anyway.

He could help the faint smile that played across his lips.

"I'm sorry Phil," he whispered. He already knew what he was going to do. Maybe this way, things would be easier for Phil to move on. After all, why love someone who's dead?

A/N - Hello everyone! This is the first part of the story. There should be about 15 chapters, if I've calculated right ^^ Thank you so much for reading this part! I really appreciate it <3

Keep smiling!


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