Dan - Past

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"Did you two seriously think I would leave you alone?" Dan could hardly believe his luck. He'd come to the empty hallway to spend time with his boyfriend when the asshole decided to show up again.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Dan snarled, spinning around to face Marcus. It didn't take much for Dan to start fuming when Marcus showed off an annoyingly bright smirk.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say a few things." Dan fell into a moody silence, letting Phil's hand in his calm him down a bit. If he got too angry, things could go further than he wanted them to go.

"I think you two are the most unlikable people in this school," Marcus sassed. Dan bit back the stinging retort of, maybe if you paid attention to yourself, you'd be re-evaluating that decision. He still didn't want to cause an official conflict.

"I never wanted to cause any trouble," Marcus feigned innocence and Dan couldn't take any more.

"Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?" he sounded cold instead of angry now. "Do you seriously think that Phil and I will believe any of your bullshit? If you weren't looking for trouble, then stop being so fucking problematic and leave us the fuck alone."

"Dan, stop swearing," Phil quietly chided, but Dan bit his cheek indignantly.

"It's not my fault he's a fucking idiot," he snarled under his breath. Phil gave a warning squeeze to his hand, and turned to Marcus.

"I've asked you multiple times now, Marcus," Phil began calmly. Marcus cut him off, however.

"I don't care. I never have. You've always been weak, Phil. You're always getting Dan to defend your sorry ass. Maybe if you weren't here, Dan would be in a better position."

Phil stared shocked at his bully, gaze flickering from Marcus to Dan.

"I-I-" Phil could feel his throat close, and he tried to suppress any noise. Dan, however, was stood calmly at Phil's side. Marcus grinned, as if he'd thought that Dan agreed with him before he lurched forward. He could feel himself choking and being choked all at once, and he felt like he was going to be sick.

Dan took his time walking up to Marcus, who was still hunched over in pain. His eyes narrowed into slits as he raised his hand, clenching his fist and smiling at the screams of agony.

Marcus' entire body was on fire, and when he looked up, his entire body chilled. Dan was looking down at him, eyes blood red. There was no iris or pupil, just red, like his eyes were washed in blood.

"You can insult me," Dan's voice sounded like three instead of one, and both Marcus and Phil were petrified now. Phil a bit less because he knew there was no way Dan would hurt him.

"You can abuse me all you fucking want," Dan leaned close to Marcus' ear to snarl,

"But once you start insulting my boyfriend is when I lose my fucking control." Marcus screamed as another round of fiery agony attacked his entire body

"I've always hated you," Dan hissed. "I just put up with you because Phil told me you were suffering. I guess now we've suffered more than you ever could. You have no idea what we go through everyday." Marcus let out a choking sound before falling limp on the floor. Dan froze, eyes slowly fading back to the regular brown. He paled, eyes widening as he looked at the unmoving body on the floor.

"N-no, no, no," he muttered to himself, running his hands through his hair. Phil ran up to him, gripping him in a tight embrace.

"Dan, what did you do?" Phil whispered, still in shock from what had just occurred. Dan looked at him, eyes hollow and dark.

"I've ripped his soul out of his body," he said, voice hushed. Phil gripped him tighter, burying his head in Dan's chest.

"I-I killed him, Phil."

A/N - And that is the end of this chapter! Opinions on Dan murdering Marcus? On his powers? Please leave comments! I hope you guys enjoyed this part, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Keep smiling :)

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