Dan - Past

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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH READING IT, PLEASE WATCH FOR THE NEXT WARNING. (If there's a warning for bad smut, I should probably add that too bc this is shit ;-;)

"Thank you so much, Louise!" Phil thanked again, giving her a tight hug. Louise grinned, waving her hand dismissively.

"Anything to help friends," she said cheerily. Dan gave a small smile, giving Louise a hug as well.

"Good luck, you guys!" she wished, before they parted ways. Dan and Phil were each carrying a suitcase, placing them in the trunk before hopping in to the car. They were a lot more relaxed now, since the police couldn't find any clues as to who had killed Marcus Staiger.

Guess it's a benefit of killing him by magic, Dan thought bitterly as he started the car.

Truthfully, he felt extremely guilty about what he'd done. Sure, Marcus was a huge dick and constantly bothered him and Phil, but he didn't deserve to die like that.

No one did.

Phil looked at Dan, smile fading when he realized that Dan was lost in thought again.

"Hey," he said softly. Dan looked over at him,

"It's okay. Nobody will know, nobody has to know. We can just forget that it ever happened. Soon enough, it'll be just another murder," he tried to reassure. Dan gave him a tense nod.

"I guess," he mumbled, beginning the journey to their new apartment. While they stayed over at Louise's place, they decided to start looking around for an apartment. A few virtual tours later, they settled for a small apartment in London. It wasn't too fancy, but it was enough for the couple to live in.

Once they pulled up in the parking lot, Dan rushed to open Phil's door for him. He bowed jokingly, extending his hand for Phil to take.

"Sir," he greeted in an even more posh accent than his own and Phil gave him a small giggle.

"Thank you, sir," he took Dan's hand and got out of the car, letting Dan hold his hand in a loose grip. Phil rested his head against Dan's shoulder and gave a content sigh. Dan squeezed his hand tighter, careful not to hurt him. Dan figured that he'd get the suitcases later. Right now, he had other plans for the day.

Dan led him into the building, silently counting off doors until they reached their new home. He let go of Phil's hand to remove the key from his pocket, opening the door and letting Phil in first.

It wasn't the largest apartment building, but it was enough for two tall men to stand up straight in. Instead of looking at the living room, Phil walked straight for the bedroom. Dan grinned.

Guess Phil must be thinking the same.


He silently followed his boyfriend, before pouncing on him and dragging him down to the floor of the unfurnished bedroom. Phil let out a squeak of surprise, but then began to laugh as he realized it was only Dan that had jumped him.

"Dan," he chided. But he was shut up by another pair of lips on his. Dan flipped Phil onto his back, wiggling his way onto Phil's lap to straddle him. He continued the kiss, opening his mouth when Phil asked for entrance. Their tongues fought, but Dan's attention was on Phil's button up shirt that he desperately wanted to get rid of. Phil broke the kiss, chuckling deeply.

"Do you want this off, bear?" he teased, and Dan whined, nodding. Phil helped Dan unbutton the shirt before tossing it off to another corner of the room. Dan wasted no time, letting his hands roam all over Phil's torso as he connected their lips again. Phil grabbed the bottom of Dan's shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Dan lifted his arms to help, temporarily breaking the contact before reconnecting immediately. Dan pulled away slowly, biting his lip before grinding down against Phil's crotch. He earned a moan, which made him grin. He did it again, and Phil grabbed his hips in a harsh grip.

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