why just why

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Aaron pov

Bree eyes change color they were now green " LUCINDA WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER" I yelled " shhhh now bree why is there blood on your shirt" lucinda said " I was feeding" bree said but it doesn't sound like her " feeding on what" lucinda said " I was feeding on HEY STOP THAT" bree said but she was fighting the spell " AARON HELP ME I was feeding on peo.....NOOOOO" bree said and her wings came from her back and flu out the roof and made a hole in it "MY ROOF" aphmau yelled " lucinda why did you do that" I said " I just wanted to know what was happen and it was better before she came here" lucinda said my blood boil aphmau seen and walked over to me " Aaron why don't we let travis try to find her he is her boyfriend" aphmau said putting her head on my arm she is stell short I nod my head and walked over to Travis " travis do you think you can do this" I said looking him in the eyes " yes Aaron I got this don't worry" travis said walking to the door and left i it's up to Travis

Travis POV

OK now where to look ugh why can't Aaron find her i mean don't get me wrong I love her but I don't know the places she would be

                      Bree POV

          I just flyed and was crying the wind was blowing so the tears was falling off my face I was over the forest and seen a hut I put my wings in my back and knocked on the door and a girl opened it it was z...z..Zoey she was a friend in high school
"ZOEY I missed you so much" I said hugging her. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BREE IT IS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU OMI COME IN" zoey said I walked in the hut and it was big in side with a lot of potions " umm zoey I didn't know that you were a witch" I said looking at the floor " oh heavens no I am a healer I can help anybody that is hurt" zoey said I smiled " wait why are you in the forest all by yourself" I said looking at her with worried in my eyes " I was running way from home my parents hate me and tried to kill me I got away in time so I live here now I have been here for 13 years" zoey said tearing up I ran over to her and gave zoey a big hug I wiped the tears from her eyes "zoey if you want to can live with me I am having a hard time to and since you know more about me than my own mom" I said I know we went to high school together everyone hated me back then but Aaron and zoey she was my friend and aphmau was mean to me to but after high school zhe was sorry and we had some issues but it was fine when we work things out. there was banging on the door so zoey grabbed my arm and pulled me in to the basement we heard the door kicked in we hear glass broken and thing being fiped over the basement door open it was in the corner with zoey behind me in my wolf form I jumped on the person and looked at it was travis I think in his deamen worrlock form I got off  of him and transformed back "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR" travis said looking at me "we thought that you were a killer or something" I said lookin over at zoey " who it This bree is he safe" zoey said stell in the corner. " yes he is safe you can come out now" I said walking over to her she came out and walked over to the stairs and walk up the stairs "wait how did you find me" I said " I can senses you" travis said zoey came back down and slap travis " you messed up my house and my potions are all over the floor it looked like a pig place in here" zoey said she looked mad her face was mad and she grabbed me by the ear "ow ow ow what was that for" I said " I don't like this 'travis' guy" zoey said "Well you are going to hate this" I said " what is it I will never hate you" zoey said " Well he is my boyfriend" I said really quickly "wait does he live with  you" zoey said her eyes got wider " oh no no no that is a step to big" I said zoey laughed and we went back to Travis " travis you ready to go" I said he nod and walked out the front door me and zoey walked out to my wings and zoey got on my back "wait she is coming with us" travis said "yea and she is moving in with meeeeee" I said with a nevus smile I open my wings and went off travis was running fast that's cool and on the way there we talked about the last 13 years some of it though.


Hey I am so sorry I have not been updateding but I will try and my sister has been getting on my last *******,,

  Thank you and stay a BOSS

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