no help

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(Dont start the song)
Oh and for now on i will be puting the name of the songs before it starts and i have some thing that i though i post it when i didnt so here it is now

                    10 days later

                         Bree POV

Today is the day we leave this cabin thank Irene that we leave today twlya is now not evil aphmau and the others apologize for their actions and said that they did not remember a thing me and travis made up but i am stell in depression away travis just put
The last bag in the car "CECE" i yelled she ran out to me "what is it" she said with a smile on her face "i need you to go back" i said "but i dont want to" cece wines "NOW" i yelled but not to bad "b...but i kiss you" cece said looking down i lift her chin with my hand and kissed her softly she kissed back and a light came around me and cece she went back in to my body the impact was a bit hard so i stumble back some it was fun a little bit with cece but it has to come to an end sometimes i ran over to Aaron and jumped on him we fall and laughed "so how does it feel to go back home" aaron said "hey i was going to ask you that" i said acting like a 2 year old he laughed at my actions "well as you should know i miss home so i am happy but i will miss thus place a little bit" i said "BOOO" someone yelled be hind me i jumped and ran be hind aaron it was twlya i move from aaron "i was not scared" i said "you was to" twlya said laughing "fineee but that mean i get to prank you" i said "HEY hey how about we forget all of this and say i am...sss...i cant say it" twlya said i smiled "wait why are you smiling" twlya said getting worried "i will just give you a top of advise RUN!" Aaron said and yelled the the last part i ran after twlya but she jumped in the car with the girls and locked the door "LET ME IN" i yelled so they can hear me aphmau,katelyn,twlya and Kim was laughing i just walked away  and got in the car with the guys...we headed off but when we get a good 20 minutes garroth start some small talk
"Hey does anyone want to hang out when we get back" garroth said " i am out i cant i i have to...ummm....go places" i said travis looked at me "what places" he said " i will tell you when we get home" i said i kissed his nose i looked out the window i put my head on travis and soon fell a sleep

         Time skip to the house

  ones i finish  unpacking i walked in the bathroom i look at myself in the mirror i can feel cece telling me not to do it i tear feel from my face i wiped the tear away and walked out the bathroom there was a knock at the door i walked down stairs it was travis "hey babe what you what to" travis said "n...nothing" i said "hey you ok" travis said i looked him in the eyes and shook my head i started to cry zoey was in her room so she was not paying attention to me "tell me what it is" travis said " has me i...i...i....cant....TAKE.....IT...ANY...MORE"i yelled the last line i grabbed my hair and cryed travis he was in shock but soon came and hug me

              Twlya POV (yay new i think)

I was at the guys house Laurence and i have been flirting a bit i really like him but he is just a player travis left a little bit ago travisis cute but not like how i feel with Laurence "hey umm....twlya can i talk to you outside"  Laurence said "sure" i said i got up after Laurence i closed the door behind me "what is it" i said looking him in the eyes with out a word he just kissed me i was in shock but soon kissed back Laurence broke the kiss i was blushing "i..i am so sorry its ju-" Laurence was cut off by me "Laurence it is fine" i said we walked back in the house garroth and Dante was fighting over who get to pick the next movie i laughed i bit and so did Laurence i Wonder what bree is doing i walkedback over to the couch i was slowly falling asleep.......BUT travus ran in the house i jumped up in to Laurence arms i had just seen what i did and blushed i got put of Laurence arms and sat back in my spot "WHAT THE WHY DID YOU JUST BUM RUSH IN HERE" i yelled "IT IS BREE SHE JUST PASTED OUT SHE HAS NO PULSE" travis yelled back i ran out the house with no shoes on it hurt but i cant let my friend die on me now she was just getting started on her career ones i made it to bree house i called 911 cause travis didn't thay is that first thing you do like omg i went pver the bree i kissed her head i put my hand on her cheek softly the guys just got here "HEY thay is my job" travis said "not.the.time." i said this is not a jokeing matter i looked on her rigth wrist there was a yellow flower on it i look on my left wrist it was the same flower oh no my long lost sister could be dead and we didt hung out a lot but at least she is up there with mom i hear sirens in the distance soon loud the paramedics came in and took away i cryed Laurence was comforting me "hey baby girl can you hold back the tears we have to go to the Hospital and tell the others" Laurence said i nod and get up from the floor Laurence carried me bride Style on the the guys car Dante calls the others and tell them what happen we where 5 minutes away from the hospital i just wish i was there to save her i look out my window and look up at the heaven i see a cloud that look like my mom hmmm....why is she with us now................

Hey boys and girls this was up but is didnt work for some reason but it is up now and the the word number is 1,158 i think that is the longest i mite have to brake it but as i say

    Thank you and stay a BOSS

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